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Gas emissions from Silay volcano (Philippines) have reportedly killed a child, and Merapi is acting up again. Learn more about recent volcanism on the Latest news page. For other volcano news sources check Other sources with eruption news!
Monday 1 September 1997
- Some changes have been made on the Etna Decade Volcano page, with a summary of the most recent activity of this volcano on the Etna news page. Many new photos of Etna's current activity are being processed and will appear soon, and there will be updates on the Chilean Volcanoes pages as well. The latest delay in updating has been caused by unexpected difficulties in transporting my library and other things from my ex-apartment in Germany to Catania, a nightmare that is coming to an end only now and has been far more expensive than expected.
Wednesday 23 July 1997
- A gallery of photos taken between 11 and 19 July of the activity of Etna is now available on a new page.
Friday 18 July 1997
- Saluti da Catania!!! The move to Catania is done, and Giada an Boris are married, and there is much to add to these pages. This is my full new address at Catania:
Boris Behncke
Istituto di Geologia e Geofisica
Universitá di Catania
Corso Italia, 55
95129 Catania
- Slight revisions have been made on the Etna Decade Volcano homepage. A photo of the recent activity at Etna's SE Crater is available (taken on the evening of 11 July 1997); more photos taken in June-July 1997 will soon appear on these pages.
What was new on this page from January to May 1997?
What was new on this page from November to December 1996?
What was new on this page from July to October 1996?
What was new on this page in April-June 1996?
What was new on this page in February-March 1996?
What was new on this page in January 1996?
What was new on this page in (late) 1995?
The naked (or better say, exciting?) truth...