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What was new on "Italy's Volcanoes" from January to May 1997?
Thursday 29 May 1997
- Just a brief note before I leave for Catania: I am very glad about the record number of visitors during this month, and about many encouraging comments regarding these pages. They will keep on growing, there is already plenty of material ready to be set up, but I will be able to do this only in July. Thanks to you all for visiting, come back later this summer, and if there's urgent need to communicate, send a fax to Boris Behncke, Istituto di Geologia e Geofisica, Università di Catania, Fax No. +39-95-7195-728. Have a good time!
Tuesday 27 May 1997

- A new feature has been added to the Etna Decade Volcano page: reports about the current activity of Etna. These reports will be updated at irregular intervals during my forthcoming stay in Catania and will be essentially based on visual observations. The first report is second hand and summarizes observations made by Eduard Harms (of Geomar) made on 5 May 1997. The photo at left has been taken by Eduard Harms during that visit and shows small-scale Strombolian activity in Bocca Nuova, one of Etna's four summit craters.
- Several new photos taken by Werner Keller of Chilean volcanoes have been added to the pages about Mocho-Choshuenco, Osorno and Villarrica, including photos and impressions of a visit to Coñaripe, a village devastated by Villarrica lahars in 1964. Collaboration with scientists at Chile's Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería is intensifying and will lead to major improvements of the Chilean Volcano pages within the next months.
- The first part of a review of global volcanism in 1996 is now available. So far, eruptions in Europe, Africa, New Zealand and Melanesia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and the Russian Far East have been described, activity on the northern and eastern Pacific rims will be added later.
Monday 12 May 1997
- Reporting of activity at Villarrica volcano, Chile, is now becoming farily regular. A communication network with residents of towns near the persistently active volcano and with mountain guides has been established by Werner Keller, and reports are being supplied monthly or bimonthly. During the remainder of this year, reports will be sent to Volcano Listserver and GVN every two or three months. As soon as updating of these WWW pages will become more regular (that is, beginning in early July 1997), Villarrica reports with numerous photos will appear regularly on the Villarrica homepage.
Saturday 10 May 1997
- You may have been wondering about the lack of updating on these pages during the past three months. This has been due to a long stay in Catania which finally led to the decision that I will transfer to that city for the next few years. The move to Catania will cause further updating difficulties for another couple of weeks, but I hope that by this summer, "Italy's Volcanoes" will be again fully operational. While my e-mail address will change later, this is my new address (for "snail mail") at Catania:
Boris Behncke
Istituto di Geologia e Geofisica
Universitá di Catania
Corso Italia, 55
95129 Catania
- Another award for "Italy's Volcanoes" was received on 18 April when the site was chosen the "Scientific Site of the Day" by the Evolutionary Theory Homepage. The visitor counters at Geomar registered many more visitors to these pages than in previous months, and the count bythe WEB-COUNTER has risen to more than 7000 during the first year of counting.
- The price information on the page about the apartment on Marina Corta, Lipari has been corrected (but prices are not higher than in 1996!!!).
- A photo of Villarrica's crater taken on 15 March 1997 has been added.
Friday 31 January 1996
- "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology" has had its greatest success so far: Websurfer's Biweekly Earth Science Review has chosen these pages for the
In the review of "Italy's Volcanoes", it is said: "One of the best volcanology pages I found is "Italy's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Volcanology". [...] Each volcano's page is chock-full of very high quality imagery and contains an excellent description of the geology, past eruptive history, volcanic hazards, and a bibliography for further reading. [...] The writing style is not awfully technical, but the words manage to impart a lot of useful and interesting information. [...] This homepage is one of the best examples currently on the Internet of the website developer's art. It's visually rich, yet uncluttered and well organized, contains a mountain of information, and is very easy to navigate. This one's a "10", for sure!" Thanks for such a flattering review!!!
Furthermore, at the moment of writing, almost 3700 visitors to the homepage have been counted during the past 9 months by the WEB-COUNTER , but the new GEOMAR visitor counter has counted 1004 visitors during the past three months - at the GEOMAR mirror alone!!!
- Recent volcanic activity has been summarized on the Latest News page.
- A few stunning new photos of Villarrica's crater and lava pond have been added, more will come soon.
- Added a photo of Giada and myself on Etna, 14 September 1996.
What was new on this page in Nobember-December 1996?
What was new on this page in July-October 1996?
What was new on this page in April-June 1996?
What was new on this page in February and March 1996?
What was new on this page in January 1996?
What was new on this page in (late) 1995?