Volcanoes in eruption, 1996

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Volcanic eruptions in 1996


  • Suwanose-jima: Occasional explosive eruptions continued in 1996, most notably in June-July. The activity is Strombolian-Vulcanian and continues since 1949.
  • Sakura-jima: Vulcanian explosions continue from the active summit crater at a rate of several to dozens per month. This kind of activity has persisted, with fluctuations, since late 1955. Before, eruptions from this volcano were separated by much longer repose periods and occurred from flank eruptive centers, producing large volumes of lava together with pyroclastics, such as in 1914 and 1946.
  • Unzen: the eruption that began in late 1990 ended in February 1995 when virtually all dome growth stopped. Collapse of the unstable dome flanks caused minor pyroclastic flows in February and May 1996. These events were not considered evidence for renewed eruptive activity of the volcano.
  • Adatara: A very small phreatic explosion from small pits in the Numanotaira summit crater occurred on 1 September.
  • Fukutoku-Okanoba: frequent occurrence of discolored water above this submarine volcano indicates strong fumarolic, and maybe slight eruptive activity. This volcano occasionally erupts explosively, forming ephemeral islands, most recently in January 1986.
  • Komagatake: A minor phreatic eruption occurred on 5-12 March 1996. Although the eruption was very small, it reminded nearby residents of the fact that Komagatake is a potentially very hazardous volcano. Its latest major eruption, in 1929, produced a Plinian column and numerous pyroclastic flows.
  • Akan: A phreatic eruption occurred on 21 November from Ponmachineshiri crater, emitting a very small amount of lithic tephra.

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