Volcanoes in eruption, 1996

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Volcanic eruptions in 1996


  • Manam: Activity gradually began to increase after April and became more vigorous in September. This activity involved both summit craters. Five episodes of powerful explosive-effusive activity occurred in October-November before a paroxysmal eruption on 3 December which shed large pyroclastic flows into the SW valley of the volcano where a village was devastated and 13 people were killed. The volcano has remained in eruption through February 1997.
  • Langila: continuing Vulcanian activity, a continuation of almost uninterrupted eruption since 1967.
  • Rabaul: Tavurvur cone started erupting on 28 November 1995 and has remained active through May 1997. Two episodes of intense eruptive activity occurred during 1996, one on 11 May and the other on 4-5 October. The latter episode included the emission of the largest lava flow erupted at the volcano since several centuries. Rabaul erupted vigorously in September-October 1994, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people and causing widespread devastation in the densely inhabited Rabaul caldera. The last major eruption, in 1937, had killed more than 500 people.
  • Bagana: Although no reports about this volcano were received in 1996, it is assumed that quiet extrusion of viscous andesitic lava flows and dome growth at summit are continuing. The activity began in 1972.
  • Ambrym: lava lake activity from two of Ambrym's summit craters is continuing. Activity of this kind continues with little eruption since the early 1950's.
  • Yasur: continuous small-scale Strombolian activity all year round, with some stronger activity during June. Yasur, in a similar manner to Stromboli, displays continuous activity since at least 220 years, but probably much longer.

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