Volcanoes in eruption, 1996[ Full page view | Main Index | Home Page ]
Volcanic eruptions in 1996
Stromboli: During 1996, Stromboli's activity was highly variable. A powerful explosion occurred during an interval of low-level activity, on 16 February. A phase of intense activity lasted from mid-April until early September and was interrupted by major explosions on 2 June and 4 September. Very low levels of activity have characterized the volcano since 4 September, a state that continues as of May 1997. Stromboli's activity continues with almost no interruptions since at least 2500 years and maybe up to 5000 years.
Etna: The activity of Northeast Crater continued through late 1996, with four paroxysmal eruptions (in January, February, and June) and prolonged periods of Strombolian activity including lava emission in July-August. After November, activity from Northeast Crater waned, and there has been no significant activity through May 1997. Activity from Bocca Nuova occurred at various intervals, in particular after September, and in early November, Southeast Crater joined the party, after having been inactive since late 1991. Both craters remained active in 1997, producing Strombolian activity and small intracrateral lava flows.
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