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During September and October 1996, many volcanoes all around the globe erupted, the most spectacular eruptions being those of Soufriere Hills in the Caribbean and Bardarbunga-Grimsvštn in Iceland. Brief summaries of recent eruptions can be found on the Latest News Page.

Sunday 27 October 1996

Saturday 24 August 1996

Thursday 22 August 1996

Wednesday 21 August 1996

Wednesday 14 August 1996

Thursday 8 August 1996

Sunday 21 July 1996

Thursday 18 July 1996

Sunday 14 July 1996

Tuesday 9 July 1996

Sunday 7 July 1996

Wednesday 3 July 1996

What was new on this page in April-June 1996?

What was new on this page in February-March 1996?

What was new on this page in January 1996?

What was new on this page in (late) 1995?

The naked (or better say, exciting?) truth...