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Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Tech.

Career Opportunities

Employment opportunities in geological engineering, mining engineering, geology, geophysics, or Earth Science education, are varied and interdisciplinary. BS degrees in these fields provide entry to beginning positions in various industries and government or to graduate school in many engineering and science fields. The broad base provided by these degrees has been used by some alumni for careers in other areas of science, engineering, and business.

While many graduating seniors find employment in the oil and gas, environmental, construction, or mining industries, in federal or state government agencies, or in teaching, some have successful professional careers in industries such as equipment sales, banking, manufacturing, and much more. Alumni hold positions from president and CEO of major companies to upper and middle management to senior and junior professionals. Some jobs have the opportunity for significant national and international travel. A master’s degree can expand the employment opportunities beyond entry-level positions, particularly to obtain high technology positions involving research.

Special Opportunities

Graduates with a BS in Geological Engineering and Mining Engineering are strongly encouraged to pursue registration as a professional engineer. Graduates with a BS in Geology, Geophysics, and Geological Engineering are encouraged to pursue licensure as a professional geologist. Graduates with a BS in Geology/Earth Science Education option must obtain teaching certification prior to employment at middle or high schools.

The department is home for several student organizations that are affiliated with national professional societies. Research activities for undergraduate students are available and can be done independently or its resources. The department strives to foster an environment in which students learn to think, conduct research, apply knowledge, and achieve success in a diverse and changing global economy.


Career and Special Opportunities

Employment lists

Mission and Vision Statement



Modified on January 3, 2011
Copyright © 2011
Department of Geological/Mining Engineering & Sciences
630 Dow Environmental Sciences
and Engineering Building
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton MI, 49931-1295
Telephone: 906-487-2531
Fax: 906-487-3371

College of Engineering

Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunity
educational institution/equal opportunity employer.

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