VORP --- a new application of MATLAB in geosciences

User's Menu


Ming Luo and James R. Wood

Michigan Technological University

October 25, 1996

Table of Contents

Chapter One Introduction
Why do we use MATLAB to create VORP?
How does the VORP work?
What can be done in the VORP?
Chapter Two The VORP Menu Descriptions/Installation
Project Menu
Log Menu
Chapter Three The VORP Tutor
Data Preparation
Start VORP
Create or open project
Run GeoMaps
Data Processing
2-D Visualization
3-D Visualization
3-D Slice Visualization
Create Animation Picture for Pioneer Field
Create Project Animation Theater for Pioneer Field

Chapter One

Introduction of VORP

What is VORP ?

The name VORP stands for Visualization of Reservoir Properties. It is a new window application which allows geologists and geophysicists to easily visualize subsurface reservoir parameters in 2 and 3 dimensions and to easily create their own animation pictures showing the spatial distribution of reservoir properties in the subsurface. The VORP is written based on MATLABs matrix functions and graphics objects. The VORP is developed by Michigan Technological University under the DOE contract.

Why do we use MATLAB to create VORP ?

The VORP is written under MATLAB environment, that is, the VORP is a new application of MATLAB in geosciences. We choose MATLAB as a tool to develop VORP because MATLAB is a technical computing environment for high-performance numeric computation and visualization. Some important advantages taken from MATLAB for this project can be generalized as follows:

1. MATLAB, referring to matrix laboratory, present the-state-of-the-art for matrix computation. To visual subsurface geological features and reservoir properties in 2 and 3 dimensions, geological database (data structure) has to be reconstructed into different forms of matrix . This difficult job can be easily handled in MATLAB environment.

2. MATLABs graphics system provides a variety of sophisticated techniques for presenting and visualizing data. By creating and manipulating MATLABs low-level graphics objects, an independent visualization application in geosciences can be possibly built up and can be easily used by geologists and geophysicists who have less computer experience.

3. MATLAB is much chipper than other graphics software in cost. Especially, once the MATLAB executable compiler is available, our new application, VORP, can be directly run in the MS-DOS and Window environments without relying on MATLAB window environment itself.

4. MATLAB based graphic application can be run in different platforms SUN/UNIX, Macintosh, and MS-DOS without changing a single code. The flexibility is very competitive.

How does the VORP work ?

The VORP is a project-oriented graphic user interface to visualize geological and geophysical data in 2 and 3 dimensions. Users can create their own project to specify their studying interests. Currently, the VORP has to be run in MATLAB Command Window although the compiler will be available soon for this project.

At the VORP directory in the MATLAB Command Window, users can start the VORP program by typing: runvorp. Then the users can follow the menu-and-button controlled instructions to create project and to do their visualization studies. An attached flow chart shows how the VORP graphic user interface is modularized and what kinds of functions that the VORP can offer to users (Figure 1). User can always get on-line help from the working window by click About button or the head of the menu. One of important properties of the VORP is that input and output data files are in common text format that makes geological data preparation, correction, and conversion much easier.

What can be done in the VORP ?

Both geological properties and well logging properties can visualized in the VORP menu windows. In the VORP menu window, users can accomplish following tasks:

(1). Data Processing --- includes data filtering to keep all data points can be properly grided without any identical data pair; data girding to create equal distance 2-D and 3-D data structure (matrix); load faults and add faults to integrate the faulting feature into data structure of the reservoir property visualization, if any faults are involved;.

(2). 2-D Visualization --- Different types of contour maps can be visualized and the well information can be easily identified from the contour maps. A cross-section between any two points can be easily picked up from the contour map and visualized in 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions.

(3) 3-D Surface Visualization --- Different types of surface maps can be reviewed from any viewpoints (elevations and azimuths cab be easily changed) in 3-D dimensions. You can also identify any wells and integrate faults in the 3-D surface map.

(4). 3-D Slice Visualization --- First, using 3-D data processing modular to create (X,Y,Z,V) data structure for a particular reservoir property from different depth intervals ( or multiple layers). Then, user can create a solid body which shows a real 3 dimensional distribution of the reservoir property. It is very unique that the VORP can let geologists use slicing visual tool to slice the solid body into pieces in different directions and different shapes to investigate a continuous change of the reservoir properties at a particular angle in 3 dimensions.

(5). Animation --- User can snap any 3-D visualization picture that is created in the VORP and save it as a movie. At on-site shooting, some important options such as number of frames and shooting speed can be controlled as users wish. User can make a series of movies for a particular project and consequently build up a project cinema. In a project cinema, names of all animation pictures are listed in the order that user prefers. And all movies can be replayed by clicking the name of the movie. How many times and how fast that movie is played can also be easily adjusted by user.

(6). Well Log Studies --- In the VORP window, user also has an opportunity to do some well log studies which includes :

Log Curve Review allows user to review up to 6 kinds of well logging curves at any depth intervals: SP log, gamma ray log, resistivity logs, density log, neutron porosity log, and sonic log.

Cross-Plots allows user to plot any pair of logs listed above at any depth interval.

Syntheticgram allows user to create a syntheticgram using either SP log or gamma log along a line that user draws on a regional map .

Chapter Two

The VORP Menu Descriptions


Create a directory named vorpgui in C drive and then copy all of the VORP files to the directory.

Getting Started:

First open MATLAB Command Window, then type:
%> cd \
%> cd vorpgui
%> runvorp
Now you are running VORP by following the menu-controlled instructions.

Project Menu:

Click Continue button in the VORP Welcome Window, and enter the VORP Project Window. Creating a project is the first step to start a visualization of reservoir properties. Click one of New Project buttons, a new project window will be popped up. Type your project name which has to consist of exactly 12 characters, digits, or any symbols (including spaces) that you can input from keyboarder. If you fail to do so, the program will show you examples. After your project is created, click the project button then you will get into GeoMenu.


The GeoMenu is a graphic user interface (GUI) to access two major GUIs which handle visualization of geological properties and well logging characteristics of reservoirs, respectively.

1. Click GeoMenu button, user can get a on-line help that will explain the current window applications.

2. Click GeoMaps button, user can access the visualization windows of geological properties of reservoirs.

3. Click Well Logging button, user can access the visualization windows of well logging characteristics of reservoirs.

4. Click Go Back button, user can be back to previous project window.

5. Click Exit button, user can quit the VORP.


The GeoMaps is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to handle 2-D and 3-D visualizations of reservoir properties through geological mapping techniques. The GeoMaps handles following objects:

1. Data Processing:

The Data Processing is a GUI to handle geological data processing which mainly deals with filtering and griding raw data and calculating 2D and 3D distribution of the faults, if necessary.

¨ Click Data Filtering button to let user to start pre-process the raw data. Sometimes, the raw data can not be directly gridded because there are some data points are 'identical' so that MATLAB won't execute data gridding. The input data is in ASCII format with extension .dat. For Example, if you have 3 variables X, Y, and Z, in your data file, the format will be:

123.2 23.8 -9.0

125.1 24.3 -7.5

....... ...... ......

¨ Click Data Griding button to let user to access data griding window in which user need following inputs:

Load File: input file name of your data set , or output data file with extension .txt from Data Filtering.

X and Y Coordinate: input minimum and maximum values for X and Y. Push Automatic Pick X and Y button to let program automatically search for minimum and maximum values for X and Y from your raw data set.

ODS: Data points of original data set that you load in.

NDS: Data points of new data set that will involve the gridding within X and Y coordination limitations.

Griding Size: Default is 50X50. Equal x and y griding sizes are recommended.

Output File Name: in .xyz format.

¨ Click Load Fault button to input fault data if a faulted geological feature need to be visualized.

The fault data file contains FOUR faulting elements which are needed for fault calculation and visualization: X-Axis (Longitude, Surface Coordinate E, ect.), Y-axis (Latitude, Surface Coordinate N, ect.), Fault offset (hanging wall dislocation against foot wall: the negative number means reverse fault and the positive number means normal fault), and Slop (horizontal dislocation at every 100 ft in depth).


-119.2041 35.0137 80 0.50

................ ............ ..... ..........

-138.4500 45.9845 -56 0.10

The VORP can handle up to 10 faults for one project.

Output Data Size is the number of fault points which you prefer in the "Output Data File". Sometimes, the fault points identified from subsurface are very limited, but the VORP allows user to insert as many points as needed to fit the structure griding size.

¨ Click Calculate Faults button to calculate fault locations on the structural base.

Initial Basedata: refers to the filtered raw data set without griding (.txt).

Gridded Data: refers to the gridded structural data set without taking faults into account (.xyz).

Faulting Data File: the filtered raw fault file which containing all faults elements:
each fault has 4 columns in the file. If there are 5 faults to be visualized, there
should be 20 columns in the Faulting Data File.

Number of Faults: total numbers of the faults in the project.

Output Data File: the raw base data set with faulting points being located (.dat). In order to get correct faulting map, this output data has to be refiltered and re-gridded (see Chapter 3: Tutor).

Fault Output File: the calculated fault data file which is ready to be plotted (.xyz).

2. 2-D Maps:

The 2-D Maps is a GUI to create 2-D contour map and cross-section to visualize distribution of reservoir properties.

¨ Click Load Data button to let user to input file name of the grided reservoir property data set.

¨ Click Load Faults button to let user to input the calculated faulting data file, if user need visualize a faulted reservoir formation.

¨ Click Plot Contour button to let user to open the Contour Plot Option Window and to set up plot options.

¨ Click Plot Wells button to let user to load well data and to plot on to the base map. The well data file includes 5 columns: X-coor, Y-coor, TD, welltop, well name. See the format of the well data file in Appendix Data Format.

¨ Click Well Info button to let user to identify the well that user is interested in.

¨ Click Fill Colors button to let user to visualize a color-filled contour map.

¨ Click "Cross Section" button to let user to make up to 8 cross sections based on the contour map.

In cross-section Window, click Select Line button and then make a line on the contour map by clicking two different positions.

To make a 2-D cross-section, click 2D Profile button.

To make a 3D cross-section, click 3D Profile button.

User can select as many as 6 lines on the figure by repeating to click those buttons.

3. 3-D Maps:

The 3-D Maps is a GUI to let user to visualized the distributions of reservoir properties in 3 dimensions. Note that before running 3-D Maps, the 2-D Maps has to be run first.

¨ Click Plot Option button, a "3-D Plot Options" window will be open after the "Plot Option" button is clicked. The 3-D Options window will let users to input following options:

3-D Plot Title: title text to be shown on the figure;

Z-min Value: cut off value at Z-axis;

Z-Axis Label: label text to be shown for the z-axis in the figure;

ColorMap Type: seven types of color maps are available: hsv, hot, cool, pink, jet, cooper, gray. Note that pick one of seven types only.

Fault Line Color: red is default color;

Fault Line Thickness: 2.0 is default;

Fault Plot Depth: maximum depth at which fault will be terminated.

¨ Click Add Well button, a Load Well Data Window will be open. By inputting the name of the well data file which contains well information, all the wells will be plot on the 3-D maps.

¨ Click Well Info button to let user to identify the well. First set Elevation slider to 90 and then point the mouse to a particular well position and click. After that the well information will pop up for the well clicked.

¨ Click GridLine button, the grid lines will show up in the map.

¨ Click Color Bar button, the color bar will show up.

4. 3-D Slice:

The 3-D Slicing Options is a GUI to let user to create a 4-D data structure and displaying a reservoir as a solid object which can be sliced in the optional X, Y, and Z directions.

¨ Click Slice Griding button to open the Slice Griding window in which users can create a 4-D data structure [X, Y, Z, V].

Load Layer: Up to 10 layers can be loaded in this program. The input data for each layer is a [x,y,z] matrix which is the output from 2-D map gridding processing.

Gridding Size: the same size that is used in 2-D griding. Users don't put any number there and the griding size will pop up after the layer data is loaded.

Griding Type: four types can be chosen: box1, box2, box3, and box4. Please see the Reference Figures for details.

Output File Name: the file contains 4-D structure data set which can be directly loaded in Slicer Display Window.

¨ Click Slicer Display button to open slice display window. This window lets users to visualize reservoir in various sliced pieces. After the slicing griding is finished, reservoir has been sliced into many pieces. If the griding size is 50, which means that the reservoir has been cut into 50 pieces in all X, Y, and Z directions, respectively.


Xdir = [1 25 50] means that user wants to show three pieces along X-axis: the first piece at x=1, the second one at x=25, and the third piece at x=50.

Ydir = 25 means that user wants to show only one single piece along Y-axis, which is the 25th piece.

Zdir = 1:25 means that user wants to show a continuous 25 pieces from z=1 to z=25 along Z-axis.

User can change the above default settings before load data.

¨ Click Load Data button to open a load sliced data window.

Load File Name: the name user put in Output File Name in Slice Gridding Window.

GridLine: adding grid lines in the current figure.

5. Animation:

The Animation is a GUI to let users to visualize the animation pictures of reservoir properties by rotating and slicing the reservoir objects.

Before starting to make animation picture, you need to name the movie which you will make. Because of limitation of MATLAB functions, you have to open a M-file called set_name.m in MATLAB Command Window to set up your movie name. Here is how to do it and it is very simple: (1) go to the MATLAB Command Window and choose Open M-file from the window menu File, (2) find M file called set_name.m and open it from the Open window, (3) follow the instruction in the head of the set_name.m file and define your movie name, and (4) save M-file set_name.m by click Save from menu File after you define your movie name.

¨ Click Options button to open the Animation Options Window.

Animation Title: figure title.

Animation Topics: two options available: "plot3dmp" and "3dslice". A plot3dmp animation picture can be made based on a 3-D picture that has been just created in 3-D Maps Window. A "3dslice" animation picture can be made based on a 3-D picture that has been just created in Slice Display Window.

Frame Numbers: number of frames that user wants to be contained in animation picture.

Animation Type : two options available: "rotating" and "slicing".

Shooting Angle: elevation angle for shooting animation pictures.

Output Movie Name: (Leave it Black)

¨ Click Shoot button to start to shoot animation pictures.

¨ Click Test button to review the animation pictures which just finish.

¨ Click Cinema button to enter the Project Animation Theater Window in which user can review existing animation pictures of reservoir properties.

6. Create Project Animation Theater:

¨ In the VORP, it is possible to create your project cinema for a fancy presentation. The project cinema means that you can put up to seven movies that you have created in the Animation Window as a movie list. This movie list consists of a series of buttons with your movie names on them. When you click one of buttons, the movie that you have picked will be shown in a assigned window in which you can adjust how many times and how fast you want to play selected movie. However, you need to do a little coding work to set up your project cinema because of MATLABs restriction. To do so, open the M-file called mv_names.m and type your movie names in proper position by follow very straight instructions in the mv_names.m file.

¨ Also, the VORP offers another animation capability call ALLMOVIE which is labeled on the button next to the last one. The ALLMOVIE function will automatically combine the seven movie together to form a continuous movie show.

¨ In the Project Movie List Window, select and Click a button with a name of the movie that you want to play, and wait for a few seconds to allow the movie to be loaded. Then click Start button in the Project Animation Theater Window. The animation picture will be shown in the current window.

¨ User can control how many times and how fast the animation picture runs by adjusting the Times and Speed sliders.

Log Menu

The LogMenu is a GUI to handle well logging visualization which includes well log curve review, well log cross plots, and pseudo-seismic profile.

¨ Click Log View button to allow user to open a window to review different log curves which are available to the current project.

¨ Click Cross Plots button to allow user to open a window to draw a cross plots of a pair of logs which are available to the current project.

¨ Click Syntheticgram button to allow user to open a window to create a pseudo-seismic cross-section using Gamma ray or SP logs.

1. LogView:

The LogView is a GUI to handle well log curve review. Up to 7 types of log curves can be displayed with depth in Well Log Review Window. Users can choose two different types of log curves and display them in the same window at each draw. The depth intervals can be easily selected by changing top depth and bottom depth.

Load Well: type the well data file which contains well logging measurements. The data format is simply a ASCII format and the log curves has to be in order as follows:

4000.00 -11.094 19.206 0.0070 200 28.50 1.9 100.
--------- ------- -------- ------ ---- ------ --- ----

Log Type: Seven types of logs are utilized in the LogView:

sp ---- Spontaneous Potential log,
rs ---- Resistivity Shallow,
rd ---- Resistivity Deep,
rs&rd ---- Resistivity Shallow and Deep,
gr ---- Gamma Ray log,
nphi ---- Neutron Porosity,
rhob ---- Rock buck Density,
dts ---- Sonic Velocity logs.

Top Depth: the top (shallower) depth of a depth interval.

Btm Depth: the bottom (deeper) depth of a depth interval.

Grid/Zoom: on (off) means grid and zoom (not) in function. To enlarge (reduce) a particular area in a figure, just put the mouse narrow in center of the area that you are interested in and then press left (right) button of the mouse.

Draw: click this button to start a review of the logs which user is selecting.

About: click this button to get on-line help.

Go Back: click this button to go back the previous window.

2. LogPlot:

The LogPlot is a GUI to handle well log cross plots which will help geologists to study the reservoir properties. Up to 7 types of log curves can be displayed with depth in Well Log Cross Plot window. Users can choose two different types of log curves and display them against each other the window at each draw.

Load Well: type the well data file which contains well logging measurements.

Log Type: type two log names which you are interested in. There seven logs are utilized in the LogPlot (see LogView for details).

Top Depth: the top (shallower) depth of a depth interval.

Btm Depth: the bottom (deeper) depth for a depth interval.

Grid/Zoom: on (off) means grid and zoom (not) in function. To enlarge

(reduce) a reticular area in a figure, just put the mouse narrow in center of the area that you are interested in and then press left (right) button of the mouse.

Draw: click this button to start a review of the logs which user is selecting.

About: click this button to get on-line help.

Go Back: click this button to go back the previous window.

3. SyntheticSeisgram:

Chapter Three


In this tutoring the Pioneer Field studying will be taken as an example to demonstrate step by step how to use the VORP.

Step 1: Data preparation:

Data will be used in this studying case includes five tops of the lithological units and nine faults identified in the Pioneer Field. The completed data files are listed in Appendix A.

The five tops data are: etchegoin.dat (Ethegoin), monterey.dat (Monterey), rrsand.dat (Reef Ridge Sand), rrshall.dat (Reef Ridge Shale), and miotop.dat (top of the Miocene uncomformity). The first column is Surface Coordinate E, the second is Surface Coordinate N, and the last column is elevation (ft).

You also need to prepare well information data file: allwells.dat. In this data file there are 5 columns: X-coor, Y-coor, TD, welltop, and wellname.

The nine fault data files are: fault1.dat, fault2.dat, fault3.dat, fault4.dat, fault5.dat, fault6.dat, fault7.dat, fault8.dat, and fault9.dat. In the fault data file, the first column is Surface Coordinate E, the second is Surface Coordinate N, the third is fault off-set (negative value for reverse fault), the last column is the dip (slop) of the fault plane (0.05 means that every 100 ft increment in depth will cause 5 ft increment in off-set).

Step 2: Start VORP:

First open MATLAB command Window, then type:
>>cd \
>>cd vorpgui (note: suppose your VORP code and data are in directory vorpgui.)

Step 3: Create new project or work on existed project:

To create a new project:
1. Click Continue button in Welcome window.
2. Click New Project button in Project window.
3. Type PioneerField for Name of New Project in Create New Project window.
4. Click PioneerField button in Project window to start project.

To work on existed project:
1. Click Continue button in Welcome window.
2. Click PioneerField button in Project window to start project.

Step 4: Run GeoMaps:

Click GeoMaps button to open GeoMaps window in which you can conduct: Data Processing, 2-D Maps, 3-D Maps, 3-Slice, and Animation.

First we need to process raw geological data before doing any geomap visualization.

Step 5: Data processing:

Click Data Processing button to be ready for data processing.

1. Data Filtering:

Click Data Filtering button. In Data Filtering window, type:
[Input Data Name] miotop.dat
[Filtering Limit] 0.1
[Output Data Name] miotop.txt
then, click OK button. After [Working Status] shows : Finished, click Close button.

2. Data griding:

Click Data Griding button. For griding option, type:
[Load File] miotop.txt
For X and Y Coordinates you may click Automatically Pick X and Y button, or input the specific maximum and minimum values for X _Y coordinates.
[Grid Size X-Axis] 50
[Grid Size Y-Axis] 50
[Output File Name]
[ODS] do not input any thing.
[NDS] do not input any thing .
click Run button. After [Griding Status] show: Finished, click Close button.

Note: if faulting is not involved in your project, you have finished your data processing job. In the Data Processing window, click Go Back button.

3. Load faults (if faulting is involved in your project):

Click Load Faults button. In the Load fault window, input:

[Name of Fault 1] fault1.dat
[Output Data Size] 100 (default)
[Output Data File] faultall.txt
click OK button.
[Name of Fault 2] fault2.dat
click OK button.
[Name of Fault 3] fault3.dat
click OK button.
[Name of Fault 9] fault9.dat (if loading 9 faults)
click OK button. Click Close button.

4. Calculate faults:

Click Calculate Faults button. In the Fault Calculate window, define faults as follows:
[Initial Basedata] miotop.txt
[Grided Basedata]
[Faulting Data file] faultall.txt
[Number of Faults] 9
[Output data file] miofault.dat
[Fault Output File]
click Run button. After [Working Status] shows: Finished, click Close button.

5. Reprocess data with faulting been taken into account:

Click Data Filtering button. In Data Filtering window, type:
[Input Data Name] miofault.dat
[Filtering Limit] 0.1
[Output Data Name] miofault.txt
then, click OK button. After [Working Status] shows : Finished, click Close button.

6. Regrid data with faulting been taken into account:

Click Data Griding button. For griding option, type:
[Load File] miofault.txt
[X and Y Coordinates] be sure to keep constant with previous maximum and minimum values for X _Y coordinates.
[Grid Size X-Axis] 50
[Grid Size Y-Axis] 50
[Output File Name]
[ODS] do not input any thing.
[NDS] do not input any thing .
click Run button. After [Gridding Status] show: Finished, click Close button.
Now you finish Data Processing. Click Go Back button.

Step 6: 2-D Visualization:

In the GeoMaps Window, click 2-D Maps button and enter the 2-D Visualization Window.

1. Click Load Data button and enter Load Data Window. Then type:
[Input File Name]
click OK button. After [Working Status] shows: Finished, click Close button


2. Click Load Faults button and enter Load Faults Window. Then type:
[Input Faults File] faultall.txt
[Fault Wall File]
[Number of Faults] 9
click OK button. After [Working Status] shows: Finished, click Close button.

3. Click Plot Contour button and enter Plot Option Window. Then type:
[X-Axis Label] Surface Coordinate E
[Y-Axis Label] Surface Coordinate N
[Map Total] 2-D Visualization of the top of Miocene uncomformity, Pioneer Field, CA.
[Zmin] (you can change if you want to).
[Zmax] (you can change if you want to).
[Contour Interval] 200 (you can change if you want to).
click OK button. After [Working Status] shows: Finished, then 2-D contour Map will be pop up in current window.

4. Click Plot Wells button and enter Load Wells Window. Then type:
[Well File Name] allwells.dat
click OK button. All wells be plot in the contour map.

5. Click Well Info button, then move mouse cross on to one of wells on the map and click it. The selected well name will be labeled on the map.

6. Click Fill Color button to create color filled contour map. Note after the color map is made, you have to repeat 4. and 5. if you want wells on the color map.

7. Click Zoom On button, then move mouse arrow to where user wants to zoom and click it. The selected area will be enlarged. Click Zoom Off button to cancel zoom function.

8. Click Cross Section button and enter Cross Section Window.

Click Select Line button, then move mouse to the map and pick a starting point and click once, then move mouse and pick a ending point and click again. A line will be shown on the map.

Click 2D Plot button to see the cross-section along the selected line in 2 dimensions.

Click 3D Plot button to see the cross section in 3 dimensions.

You can select up to 6 cross-sections on the same map by repeat above procedures.

Step 7: 3-D Visualization:

In the GeoMaps Window, click 3-D Maps button and enter the 3-D Visualization Window.

Click Plot Option button and enter 3-D Plot Option Window. Then type:
[3-D Plot Title] 3-D Visualization of the top of Miocene unconformity.
[Z-min Value] -15000
[Z-Axis Label] Elevation (ft)
[ColorMap Type] hsv
[Fault Line Color] red
[Fault Line Thickness] 2.0
[Fault Plot Depth] 15000
click Run button, then a 3-D surface will be plot in current window.

Click Add Wells button and enter Load Wells Window. Then type:
[Well File Name] allwells.dat
click OK button to start to plot wells on the 3-D surface map.

To label well name, first shift Elevation slider up to 90, then click Well Info button. Move mouse to a well point and click it. The selected well name will be label on the figure late no matter what azimuth and elevation you choose.

Step 8: 3-D Slice Visualization:

In the GeoMaps Window, click 3-D Slice button and enter the 3-D Slice Window. To create 3-D slice matrix , first you need do slice griding and then you can display 3-D slicing pictures. If you just want play existed 3-D slicing matrix, then directly go to slice display window.

Create 3-D slicing matrix:

1. Back to Data Processing Window, and produce data files for multiple layers:,,, and, following the same procedure that you create Note the X and Y limits and grid size MUST be the same.

2. Back to 3-D Slice Window and click Slicing Griding button, you reach 3-D Slicing Griding Window. Then type:

[Load Layer 1]
[Griding Size] 50 (must be the same grid size for
[Griding Type] box1 (box1, box2, box3, box4 can be chosen)
[Output File Name] pionner1.bx1
click Load button, then
[Load Layer 2]
click Load button, then
[Load Layer 3]
click Load button, then
[Load Layer 2]
click Load button, then
[Load Layer 3]
click Load button, then click Run button.

After the griding processing is finished, click Close button.

To display 3-D slice visualization:

Back to 3-D Slice Window and click Slicer Display button, you reach 3-D Slice Visualization Window.

Click Load Data button, you reach Load Slicing Data Window. The type:
[Load File Name] pioneer1.bx1
[Slice Title] 3-D Slice visualization of the Pioneer Field.
click OK button, then the 3-d slice figure will be shown in the current window.
For Setting Slicer parameters, see related sections of Chapter 2.

Step 9: Create Animation Picture for Pioneer Field:

Before starting to make animation picture, define your movie name, say, pioneer1 from set_name.m file. Please read Animation section in Chapter 2 to see how to define your movie name.

In the GeoMaps Window, click Animation button to enter 3-D Animation Window. Click Option button to access Animation Option Window. Input may like this:

[Animation Title] Animation picture for Pioneer Field.
[Animation Topic] plot3dmp (see Chapter 2 for details)
[Frame Numbers] 20
[Animation Type] rotating
[Shooting Angle] 30
[Output Movie Name] (leave black)
click Run button.

After [Working Status] shows Finished, then click Shoot button to start shooting your movie.

After the movie is finished (indicated by a pop-up of << Please select following buttons>> ), click Test button to review the movie you just completed.

Step 10: Create Project Animation Theater for Pioneer Field:

Single movie show:

Suppose you have created seven movies: pioneer1, pioneer2, pioneer3, pioneer4, pioneer5, pioneer6, and pioneer7 for your project. To set up the project animation theater, you must to do a little coding work:

(1) Open M-file called mv_names.m,
(2) Put your movie names in proper position by following the instructions in the head of mv_names.m file.
(3) save mv_names.m.

After your coding work, your movies names should be shown on the buttons in order in the Project Movie List Window. Now your project animation theater set up and ready for single movie show.

¨ Click Pioneer1 button in the Project Movie List and wait for a few seconds to allow the VORP load the movie data.

¨ Click Start button in the Project Animation Theater Window, user will see a animation picture that shows the top Miocene unconformity in Pioneer Field rotating in 3 dimensions.

¨ By adjusting the Times and Speed sliders, user can control the animation pictures running time and speed

All movie show:

User can put up to seven movies in the project cinema and replay each single movie by click the button with the movie name on it. However, the VORP also offers another function call ALLMOVIE that will automatically combine the seven movies all together as new movie. This new movie will run seven movies continuously one after another by clicking allmovie button.

¨ Click allmovie button in the Project Movie List and wait for a few seconds to allow the VORP load the movie data.

¨ Click Start button in the Project Animation Theater Window, user will see

seven animation pictures that run continuously one after another.

¨ By adjusting the Times and Speed sliders, user can control the animation pictures running time and speed.