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Natural Hazards Mitigation in Pacific Latin America


University Exchange Program in Earth Hazards


A North American Mobility Project

Michigan Technological University , Houghton, Michigan
University at Buffalo , Buffalo, NY
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico , Mexico DF
Universidad de Colima, Colima
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC

This program is a consortium of six research-based universities in the US, Canada, and Mexico (Michigan Tech, Buffalo, McGill, Simon Fraser, UNAM and Colima).  The program is funded by the Department of Education in the US and equivalent organizations in Canada and Mexico as part of the NAFTA agreement.

The focus area for the mobility program is mitigation of natural geological hazards in North America. The consortium universities exchange students and faculty in several engineering and science disciplines (e.g. environmental engineering, civil engineering, geological engineering, social sciences and geology) involved in the study of natural geological hazards.
Students in the social sciences also have the opportunity to be exchanged, recognizing that the solution of natural hazards problems involves critical social, political, and economic aspects. Students are mobilized among the participating universities through one- to two-semester visits and up to 60 more students will be mobilized via short-term, intensive courses. Student activities consist of three stages: intensive language training, natural hazards coursework, and professional or research internships with local industries, agencies, or the host university. In each of the next three years there will be a joint advanced volcanology class run via videoconferencing and a three week field trip to areas of volcanological interest in Canada, US and Mexico.

The course and field trip foci for the next three years are:

2006: Megaeruptions/ LongValley and Yellowstone;

2007: Volcanic edifice failure/ Cascades and Western Canada

2008: Convergent plate Boundary Volcanism/ Mexican Volcanic Belt


Although the six universities will have first access to the exchange we are constructing ways for other volcanology programs to share the teleconference courses and field trips.



William Rose,
Project Director
U.S. Lead
Michigan Technological  University
Geological Engineering & Sciences
630 Dow ESE Bldg
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
Tel:  906-487-2367
Fax: 906-487-3371  

John Stix, 
Canadian Lead
McGill University
Earth & Planetary Sciences
3450 University Street
Montreal, Québec H3A 2A7 Canada
Tel:  514-398-5391
Fax: 514-398-4680


Hugo Delgado Granados,
Mexican Lead
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
Departamento de Vulcanología,   Instituto de Geofísica
Ciudad Universitaria, 04510
Mexico, DF 04510
Tel:  525-622-4145
Fax: 525-550-2486

Michael Sheridan,
U.S. Partner
University at Buffalo
Geology Department
826 Natural Science
Complex North Campus Office: NSC 717
Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel:  716-645-6800
Fax: 716-645-3999

Glyn Williams-Jones, 
Canadian Partner
Simon Fraser University
Earth Sciences Department
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia  V5A 1S6  Canada
Tel:  604-291-3306
Fax: 604-291-4198

Tonatiuh Dominguez, 
Mexican Partner

Universidad de Colima 

Observatorio Vulcanológico de Colima
Av. Gonzalo de Sandoval 444
Colima, Colima CP. 28045  México
Tel: 52-312-316-1134  x47208


Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Michigan Technological University | College of Engineering
© 2006 Michigan Technological University


Last Modified: 08/23/2006

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