Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 28 November
to 07:00 29 November 1996
The current alert level is ORANGE

The situation at the volcano remains extremely serious, and could escalate further very quickly. The scientists are worried that the Galways Wall, part of the southern crater wall, could collapse and cause a lateral blast to the south of the volcano. There would be very little or no warning of this event. Residents of Montserrat should follow the advice given on Radio Montserrat. In particular, zones A and B, including Tar River, Long Ground, St Patricks, and the Galways area are very dangerous and should not be entered under any circumstances.

The level of activity has been low overnight, and there is no evidence of further major avalanches from the Galways Wall. There have been a few rockfalls from the dome, and a single VT earthquake. The number of dome rockfalls has increased, suggesting that the dome is still growing.

No visual observations of the crater or the Galways Wall have been possible yet. Later this morning, the scientists will use the helicopter to go to an observation post overlooking the Galways Wall, and begin to make systematic observations of the wall. This post was established yesterday afternoon.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory