Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 11 November
to 16:00 12 November 1996
The current alert level is ORANGE.

Activity at the volcano has been at a reduced level during the past 24 hours with the end of the swarm of VT earthquakes which began over two days ago. The crater has been overcast all day and no clear views were obtained.

The swarm of shallow volcano-tectonic earthquakes which began at 17:50 on 09 November ended at 02:53 this morning, 12 November. The activity was at a lower level than previously in the swarm during yesterday evening. There were only 12 VTs located during the reporting period and one long-period earthquake was also recorded by the seismic networks. Eight rockfall signals were recorded; this is the highest rockfall count for nearly three weeks. Several signals corresponding to high water levels in ghauts were recorded on several of the seismic stations during the day.

A large earthquake somewhere in the world was recorded as a teleseism by the Montserrat seismic networks this afternoon; the strength of it wasn't enough to be felt here.

The viewing conditions at the volcano were very poor for the entire day and no views were obtained of the crater, although some small rockfalls were seen on the eastern flank of the dome.

No EDM measurements were carried out today. A GPS survey of BIGNET was carried out and the results are being processed at present. BIGNET comprises four benchmarks around the volcano, the position of each of which is measured with respect to all of the others to see if the flanks of the volcano are moving.

No COSPEC data was gathered today due to the poor weather conditions.

Although the VT swarm has stopped, MVO scientists remain very concerned about the status of the volcano. Even without the earthquakes occurring, there is still a possibility of a rapid escalation of volcanic activity during the next few days and all residents are urged to always remain alert. The volcano is in a very dangerous state and all residents should follow the recommendations laid out in the alert procedures and listen to Radio Montserrat.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory