Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Update
Report for the period 16:00 29 September
to 07:00 30 September 1996

The volcano has been fairly quiet overnight, with only a few earthquakes recorded. Most of these were volcano-tectonic, and similar to the earthquakes that have occurred during the last few days. The most significant event was a moderately sized rockfall at 05:23. This rockfall was one of the largest recorded during the last ten days.

The volcano is cloudy again this morning, and no views of the dome have been possible. It is hoped that further views of the scar feature in the dome will be obtained from the helicopter today- during a flight yesterday afternoon there were signs of continued dome growth at the base of the scar.

MVO scientists expect that rockfalls and possibly pyroclastic flows will occur during the next few days as the unstable sides of the new scar feature at English's Crater stabilise. All indications are that the rockfalls and pyroclastic flows will be confined to the Tar River valley area. Dust masks should be worn at all times in ashy environments, which may persist for some time as ash dries out and blows around. Drivers should exercise caution and consideration for other road users, especially when driving through areas still affected by ash or gravel.

Individuals put themselves in extreme danger if they venture beyond the Long Ground area into the Tar River valley. All individuals passing checkpoints in whatever part of the island are reminded that they are entering areas which may become unsafe very quickly, and everyone should be on maximum alert in all of these areas. All residents of southern Montserrat are asked to once again ensure that they are familiar with evacuation procedures.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory