Volcanic activity at the Soufriere Hills volcano has been at a slightly lower level than yesterday but is still dominated by seismic signals associated with rockfalls. Rockfall signals have been less frequent and of a lower amplitude overnight. Low-amplitude broadband tremor has been intermittent for most of the night except for one period between 20:55 to 23:09 on 29 May when tremor was near-continuous. Very few long period events were recorded by the seismograph network during the night.
Visual observations from the Observatory indicate that constant steaming continues from volcano. Accumulation of steam clouds with the absence of a strong wind has obscured clear views of the growing dome.
The MVO still views the situation at the Soufriere Hills Volcano with grave concern and the scientists continue to urge that visits to the evacuated zone be kept to a minimum. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas are extremely dangerous, and should not be entered under any circumstances.