Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 06 May
to 16:00 07 May 1996

The level of activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano has been at about the same level as during the previous 24 hours. Seismicity continues to characterised by intermittent low amplitude broadband tremor recorded at the seismic stations nearest to the volcano and several small- to moderate-sized rockfalls. A few small hybrid and long period earthquakes were also recorded.

No EDM measurements were made today because of the low cloud cover. Re-occupation of the University of Puerto Rico GPS sites at Reid's Hill, St. George's Hill, Radio Antilles (Ogarro's) and Tar River which started on 05 May continues and the data is still being processed.

No COSPEC measurements were made today because of the inclement weather.

No visual observations of the dome have been possible because of the low cloud cover on the volcano.

Dr. John Shepherd left the MVO today for the U.K. after a one month stay.

The present level of activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano continues to cause concern to the scientists. The MVO continues to urge that visits to the evacuated zone be kept to a minimum. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas are extremely dangerous and should not be entered under any circumstances.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory