Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 01 May
to 16:00 02 May 1996

Activity at the Soufriere Hills volcano during this period has continued at the same slightly less elevated level observed during the previous 24 hours. Rockfalls and associated ash clouds continue to be produced and the largest of these occurred at 15:12 on 02 May.

Seismicity was dominated by near-continuous low amplitude broadband tremor recorded at the nearest seismic stations. This tremor was near-continuous until about 12:00 on 02 May when it became more intermittent and slightly smaller in amplitude. Several rockfalls and small long period earthquakes were recorded. The long period events could not be located because of emergent onsets.

Part of the northern EDM triangle was measured today. The results for this occupation and those done during the past two days for the eastern and southern triangles continue to show only very small changes, suggesting very slow deformation of the volcanic edifice. Seven GPS lines in the areas to the north and east of the volcano were measured today and the data is still being processed. The height of the dome is now 2947 ft above sea level, indicating a vertical growth of 7 ft in two days.

COSPEC measurements were made today but the data is still being processed.

Visibility was good during most of the day and visual observations of the Crater and dome were made from various points on the ground. Rockfall activity was concentrated mainly in the northern, northeastern, eastern and southeastern sectors of the dome. Most of these were associated with ash clouds which were blown on the wind towards the west, resulting in the deposition of very small amounts of ash in the Upper Gages and Amersham areas. The largest ash plume was associated with the rockfall at 15:12 today. The southwestern sector of the dome appears to be less active at the moment. Steam was being emitted from several areas of the dome, with the southeastern sector being the site of the most vigorous activity. The dominant area of emission of pale-blue gas continues to be the southwestern sector, in the vicinity of the whale-back.

The MVO still views the situation at the Soufriere Hills Volcano with grave concern and the scientists continue to urge that visits to the evacuated zone be kept to a minimum. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas are extremely dangerous and should not be entered under any circumstances.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory