Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report

Report for the period 16:00 30 April to 16:00 01 May 1996 The level of volcanic activity remains relatively unchanged. There have been a number of generally small rockfall events and small ash clouds.

The seismicity is still dominated by broadband tremor and moderate-sized long-period earthquakes, the latter located beneath the crater at uncertain depths. The amount of tremor has increased since yesterday, and it is now near-continuous at times. One small VT earthquake was detected and located at a depth of about 2 km beneath the crater.

The eastern and southern EDM triangles and a number of GPS lines were measured today. The results of these are not yet available.

Visual observations were possible during the early morning and most of the afternoon. Rockfalls were observed throughout the day, although most of these were fairly small. The largest rockfalls were at 07:59, 08:22 and 12:35 on 01 May. These generated moderate-sized ash clouds which drifted westwards over the Gages Valley and towards the Amersham and Kinsale areas.

Five COSPEC runs were carried out today. The data has not yet been processed, but a preliminary examination indicates that the SO2 levels are still very low.

Angus Miller (BGS) and Paul Jackson (SRU) left Montserrat yesterday at the end of their postings here. Richard Luckett and Mike James of the BGS arrived yesterday afternoon. Richard will behelping with the seismic monitoring and Mike will be working on ground deformation.

The volcano is considered to be still in a dangerous state, and scientists urge that visits to the evacuated zone are kept to a minimum. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas are extremely dangerous and should not be entered under any circumstances.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory