Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Update
0700H 13 April, 1996

The level of seismic activity during the night has remained the same as during the day time. The seismicity continues to be dominated by the occurrence of small, hybrid events at shallow depths beneath the volcano at a rate of about 1 to 3 per minute. Similar events have been recorded several times during the current volcanic crisis at the Soufriere Hills Volcano. These events are interpreted as possibly indicating a further increase in the rate of dome growth.

Several rockfalls and small explosions were also recorded and some of these were associated with small ash plumes.

Visibility during the very early morning from both the Observatory and Bramble Airport was good. Vigorous steam emission was observed from most of the dome and the remnant of the large spine is still present.

The scientists at the MVO remain gravely concerned about the current level of activity at the Soufriere Hills volcano and therefore urge people still living in the evacuated zone to leave immediately. Visits to the evacuated zone should be restricted to those that are absolutely essential. The Tar River, Long Ground and Whites areas are now extremely dangerous, and should not be entered under any circumstances.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory