Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 on 30 November
to 16:00 on 01 December 1995

Six (6) earthquakes have been located for this period. These earthquakes occurred at depths of 2-3 km (about 2 miles) beneath Roache's Yard and north of the crater. The very small, frequent earthquakes and continuous broad-band tremor recorded since 28 November have continued. The amplitude of tremor has increased slightly since 04:00 today, and it is being recorded at the Gages seismic station, and in smaller amounts at the Bethel and Long Ground stations. The continued tremor and small earthquakes suggests that dome growth is continuing at a slow rate.

All of the EDM lines have been remeasured today. The Tar River target was measured from the new site at Whites. All of the lines showed only slight fluctuations which are within the bounds of instrument precision.

GPS measurements were taken again today but the results are still being processed. The Reid's Hill GPS instrument was moved to Radio Antilles mast.

Visual observations were made from the crater rim this morning and by helicopter in the afternoon. The slow growth rate of a lava dome within the 18th July vent was confirmed, with some rock avalanching and ash generation occurring; two small ash clouds drifted towards Plymouth during the day. A second area of dome growth was also identified to the northwest of the September spine, with material avalanching into the bottom of English's Crater.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory