Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 on 23 October
to 16:00 on 24 October 1995

There were eleven (11) earthquakes located during the past twenty-four hours. The events were scattered mainly in the Windy Hill area and beneath the Soufriere Hills volcano. The earthquakes ranged in depth from 2-4km and were mainly volcano-tectonic with a single long period event.

A field team went up to Chances Peak today to attempt a visual inspection of the crater area. Heavy, low level cloud cover and continuous rainfall throughout the day prevented any visual observations from being made. Visual observation by the helicopter during the later part of the day revealed no major changes in conditions in the crater.

Dr William Aspinall and Dr Geoff Wadge returned to the U.K. today. Both scientists joined the scientific team at the Soufriere Hills Volcano Observatory some three weeks ago and assisted with various aspects of the monitoring programme.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory