Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 16 May
to 07:00 17 May 1997
The current alert level is AMBER

Volcanic activity has been slightly less energetic overnight than the preceding 48 hours or so. This is evident from a reduction in the number of seismic events recorded since 4:00 pm yesterday. Despite the slight reduction, a variety of events continue to occur, composing of rockfalls, long period events and pyroclastic flows which have decreased in magnitude since last the events of night.

The top of the volcano remains obscured by low cloud cover at this time but it is hoped that the dome will clear sufficiently for a dome survey later this morning.

Whilst dome growth continues at the Soufriere Hills volcano, it remains dangerous. Recently, there has been a slight increase in the number of rockfalls and pyroclastic flows, indicating that the dome may be approaching the limits of stability. Pyroclastic flows and surges are again becoming more likely and could occur without warning in the Tar River or White River valleys. People should stay well away from these areas. Visitors to Zone C should equip themselves with protective gear and stay alert. Zone A should not be entered under any circumstances

Montserrat Volcano Observatory