Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Daily Report
Report for the period 16:00 1 February
to 16:00 2 February 1997
The current alert level is ORANGE

The level of volcanic activity has been slightly higher in the last 24 hours, with two volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms - the first was followed by a period of high-amplitude seismic tremor.

The first VT earthquake swarm started last night, around 11:06 pm and was followed by a period of high-amplitude volcanic seismic tremor which lasted until just before 4:00 am. At the peak of the tremor at 3:30 am, red glow was seen from the observatory, reflected in the clouds. An ash column was associated with this tremor and was propagated above the crater to a height of about 5000ft.

The second VT swarm began around 2:16 pm today and continued until the end of the reporting period.

During the reporting period a total of 45 rockfalls, 55 VT, and 24 hybrid earthquakes were recorded.

Poor visibility hindered visual observations today.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory