Montserrat Volcano Observatory

Morning Report
Report for the period 16:00 10 January
to 07:00 11 January 1997
The current alert level is ORANGE

The amount of rockfall activity from the October 1 dome has decreased overnight, but is still continuing. There were peaks in activity at 10 pm and 6 am. About 30 rockfall and pyroclastic flow signals have been recorded by the seismic network, which is a reduction in numbers since yesterday. A number of hybrid earthquakes also occurred- these are located beneath the crater area at shallow depths.

The summit of the volcano has been cloudy overnight, and so no good views of the crater area have been possible. This morning, the conditions are a bit clearer, but much of the dome is obscured by a dense plume of ashy steam.

The October 1 dome remains in an unstable configuration, and so a major collapse could start soon. Such a collapse would produce pyroclastic flows in the Tar River valley and heavy ash fall to the west of the volcano. Should the collapse be very large, then an explosive eruption is possible, in the same way that it followed a major dome collapse on September 17/18. At the moment the scientists are confident that zone E, which includes Corkhill and the airport, remains safe. The Tar River area is extremely dangerous, and should not be entered in any circumstances.

Montserrat Volcano Observatory