Government Information Service

The Volcanic Explanation
For The 24 Hour Period Ending 7 AM On Sunday June 1, 1997
A Presentation Of The Government Information Services
In Conjunction With The MVO.

The current alert level is ORANGE

The level of activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano has remained at a low level for the last 24 hours.

There were a few hybrid earthquakes recorded, but most of the activity has been in the form of rockfalls from the dome. In addition there were some small pyroclastic flows all of which goes to show that the volcano is still active and the dome continues to grow.

There were a few brief views of the dome yesterday (Saturday) and this allowed a survey of the north and northeastern sections of the dome. The results of this GPS survey will be known later today (Sunday).

COSPEC measurements to check the gas levels in the atmosphere were carried out at sea today. These results will be published later today.

On the north and northwest face of the dome scientists saw evidence of spiny structures, a cone shaped peak and a ridge with regular rockfalls in the area.

The dome is covered in cloud this morning but scientists are warning that growth continues on its summit and that they expect further pyroclastic flows to enter Tuitt's Ghaut and other northern ghauts.

The alert level is ORANGE and no one should visit Zone A or B, and those entering C should only do so in daylight and have a rapid means of exit.

NOTE: The 1997 Hurricane Season starts today, June 1st.

Government Information Service