Remote Sensing of Volcanic Eruption Clouds Using GOES

David J. Schneider and William I. Rose
Department of Geological Engineering and Geophysics
Michigan Technological University


During the past 15 years, there have been more the 80 incidents of jet aircraft encountering volcanic clouds. Seven of these incidents resulted in the in-flight loss of engine power, which could have resulted in the crash of the aircraft, and repair costs (up to mid-1994) have been estimated at more than $200 million. [Casdevall, 1994; U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2047.] As a result of these encounters, there has been research done on the satellite detection and tracking of volcanic clouds using the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). This research has shown that it is possible to detect and track volcanic clouds using a dual thermal-IR proceedure.

The new generation of GOES imagers , currently aboard GOES-8 and GOES-9, now have a dual thermal-IR capability which is similar to the AVHRR. Thus, it should be possible to use data from this sensor to detect and track volcanic clouds using a technique which is analogous to that used with AVHRR. This document reports on a preliminary test of GOES imager data to detect and discriminate volcanic clouds. Images of the relatively minor eruption of Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico (March 10-11, 1996) were analyzed using a two band technique, and the results show that it is possible to to detect small volcanic clouds using GOES.

Two Channel GOES Discrimination of Volcanic Clouds

Thermal image data from two channels of the GOES-8 satellite were used in this study (Data courtesy of LSU Earth Scan Lab), and were rectified to an equal area projection from the standard GOES image format. Band 4 (10.2 to 11.2 um) minus band 5 (11.5 to 12.5 um) brightness temperature difference images are used to detect the volcanic cloud, and distinguish it from meteorological clouds. Research using AVHRR data has shown that volcanic clouds have negative band 4 minus 5 brightness temperature differences (Prata, 1989, Geophysical Research Letters; Schneider et al., 1995 U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2139 ), while meteorological clouds generally have positive brightness temperature differences (Yamanouchi et al, 1987 Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan). Since the GOES imager collects data at wavelengths which are similar to the AVHRR, it is thought that band 4-5 technique should yield similar results.

The band subtraction technique is demonstrated in the images below, from the relatively minor eruption of Popocatepetl Volcano on March 10-11, 1996. The image on the left is a band 4 image, and the image on the right is the corresponding band 4-5 image. The location of the volcano is indicated by the red dot. In the band 4 image (left) bright features, such as high clouds, are cold, and dark features, such as land, is warm. Note that although a small bright feature exists near the volcano, it looks very similar to other features. By comparison, in the band 4-5 image (right), bright features have a negitive brightness temperature difference, while dark features have a positive differences. In this image, the volcanic cloud can be clearly discriminated from other features.

Volcanic Cloud Animation

Under ideal circumstances, it is possible to get a "snapshot" of volcanic cloud activity every 15 minutes. However, in our study, we constructed an MPEG of the March 10-11 1996 volcanic cloud from Popocatepetl at 30 minute intervals. This animination covers the time period from 1715UT March 10 to 0645UT March 11, and shows the volcanic cloud as discriminated by the band 4 - band 5 procedure outlined above. Only negitive brightness temperature differences are depicted: The color scheme ranges from 0 (blue) to -3 (red) degrees Celsius.
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