
Remaps GOES data from our NCAR source, does thermal band subtraction, and injects coastlines, temperature scale, legend, etc., and outputs them as a sunraster



The script is below between the horizontal rules.


for I in `ls $1*.msub | cut -c1-13 | sort | uniq`
	echo $I

echo doing registration

fastreg master_file="Master" \
                include_vars="*" \
                poly_size="" \
                $I.msub $I.reg

echo $I.reg is done
echo doing subtraction 

emath expr_vars="gvar_ch4 gvar_ch5" \
	expression="x1-x2" \
	var_name="4m5" \
	var_units="" \
	var_type="fl" \
	$I.reg $I.4m5

echo copying variable 4m5 

	copyvar include_vars="4m5" \
	overwrite_vars="no" \
	$I.4m5 $I.reg

\rm $I.4m5

echo Scaling image
imscale include_vars="gvar_ch4" \
	image_colors="240" \
	max_width="640" \
	max_height="480" \
	fixed_size="" \
	zoom_factor="" \
	real_resample="" \
	est_range="no" \
	min_value="-40" \
	max_value="20" \
	invert_scale="" \
	north_up="" \
	$I.reg $I.byte

echo making Coast File
coast master_file="Master" \
	reduce_factor="" \
	coast_file="" \

echo making llgrid
llgrid master_file="Master" \
	grid_type="lines" \
	delta_lat="5" \
	delta_lon="5" \
	label="yes" \

echo making wedge

wedge   master_file="Master" \
        wedge_lines="30" \
        wedge_samples="640" \
        wedge_dir="right" \
        text_height="16" \
        text_type="bold" \
        two_color_text="no" \
        line_offset="40" \
        sample_offset="0" \
        scale_min="-40" \
        scale_max="0" \
        invert_scale="no" \
        label_base="-40" \
        label_step="5" \
        discrete_steps="no" \
        outline="no" \

echo making Legend

legend  line_1="GOES-8 Band 4 Brightness Temperature (C) %pass_date %start_time UT" \
        line_2="Michigan Techological University: Data Courtesy of NCAR" \
        line_3="" \
        text_height="16" \
        text_type="bold" \
        line_offset="0" \
        sample_offset="0" \
        full_width="yes" \
        center_text="no" \
        outline="yes" \
        solid_bg="yes" \
	$I.reg Legend

echo injecting!!

xinject bg_var_name="gvar_ch4" \
       colors_per="2" \
       meta_colors="240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247" \
       line_widths="2 2 2 2" \
       line_types="solid dotted solid solid" \
       marker_types="" \
       marker_sizes="" \
       image_colors="240" \
       $I.byte Coast LLgrid Wedge Legend $I.inject

echo almost there

expim image_format="sunraster" \
	image_var="gvar_ch4" \
	image_colors="240" \
	color_palette="goes_b4" \
	draw_indexes="240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247" \
	draw_names="red red white white white black black yellow" \
	$I.inject $I.ras

\rm $I.byte $I.inject 

This page maintained by Dave Schneider (djschnei@mt