This file contains AVHRR Band 4 Brightness Temperature and AVHRR Band 5 Brightness Temperature for each pixel in the volcanic cloud. The file can also include the latitude and longitude of each pixel. This file is a subset of a full AVHRR seen. Only the pixels that are believed to be a possible part of the volcanic cloud are included in this file. The ASCII Input Data File Name is the prefix for the output files created by Radiannet. Note: Due to FORTRAN limitations, the input filename must start with a letter, and not a number.
The settings for the IDL widget are saved in the binary file named "initial_setup_rad" each time you exit the Radiannet program.
The Total Mass of Particle Retrieval Model creates a file with the ".text" extention. This file contains the input parameters and results of the Total Mass of Particle Retrieval Model.
The Total Mass of Particle Retrieval Model creates a file with the ".mdr" extention.
The ".mdr" file format is as folows: For each pixel in the image, the latitude and longitude on
one line, followed by the total aerosol mass )(in metric tonnes), optical depth, and effective
radius (in microns) on the next line.
For example:
44.7530 -160.960
216.994 0.700000 10.9895
This is a postscript file created by executing Radiannet with the Output function button selected to "PS Port" or "PS Land". This file can be printed by sending it to a postscript printer or by using the utility funtion "Print PS".
This is a encapsulated postscript file create by executing Radiannet with the output function button selected to "EPS". This file can be imported into a word processor such as Framemaker.
All the pixels in the image are assumed to have the same area. Therefore, it is important to use an equal area map projection for the input image. The IDL plot routine uses the Lambert's Equal Area Projection.