Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 12:35:03 MST Reply-To: VOLCANOSender: VOLCANO From: G G J Ernst Subject: RABAUL: Shape of main plume (19sept.94) To: Multiple recipients of list VOLCANO In-Reply-To: <> from "David Schneider" at Sep 19, 94 03:35:05 pm Status: OR Those who have looked at the satellite images kindly provided by the Remote Sensing Team at Michigan Tech. will have seen that the shape of the main plume (about first 20 hours of eruption on 19Sept.) was not at all elliptical. The plume could be seen dispersing mostly to the NW, W and SW and showed two lobes at the plume front for several hours thereby developping what is called "plume bifurcation" in the engineering literature. Plume bifurcation was visible here despite the complicating effect of changing wind directions during the first 24hours of explosive activity (the plume was made more asymmetrical as winds were reported to shift to the SW). A paper reviewing Plume Bifurcation and applying it to Volcanic Plumes in Crosswinds has just appeared and may be of interest to some of you, with the following reference: GGJ Ernst, JP Davis and RSJ Sparks (1994), Bifurcation of Volcanic Plumes in a Crosswind, Bulletin of Volcanology 56: 159-169 Even the main plume of Rabaul is typically a bent-over plume, even if it is a strong one and it probably just about reached the height of the tropopause. As explained in the Bull Volc paper, it is believed that the tropopause may enhance plume bifurcation, especially of strong bent-over plumes in moderate crosswinds. If anyone has further information on the wind conditions around Rabaul (18-23 Sept; and at different heights) as well as about plume altitude, this would be most appreciated. Thank you, Gerald ERNST, Department of Geology, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Bristol BS8 1RJ, United Kingdom email for reply: Fax: 44-(0)272.253.385 Tel: 44-(0) ext.4142 PS: Reprints of Bull.Volc. paper available on request