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This week marks the first year anniversary of the Rabaul Caldera eruption and subsequent heightened awareness of volcanology on the World Wide Web. In attempts to continue this effort, the MTU Volcanoes Page (also celebrating its one year anniversary this month!) is sponsoring an ON-LINE PHOTOGRAPHY AND IMAGE CONTEST.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Then again, photographs of erupting volcanoes are beyond words. Our purpose here is to provide an on-line repository of volcanological related imagery to the WWW. The "contest" part is to help raise awareness and make it fun!


Click on category for examples

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Category 1: Volcanoes in action. Photos exhibiting active volcanic processes. For example: explosive eruptions, pyroclastic flows, lava fountains, lava flows, debris flows, etc.

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Category 2: Quiescent volcanoes. Photos exhibiting volcanoes that are dormant or in repose. For example: Mt. Fuji, Cotopaxi, Bezymianny, before/after Mt. St. Helens, etc.

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Category 3: Digital products. Images generated/altered through the utilization of electronic media. For example: 3-dimensional perspectives, satellite images, subsurface visualations, etc.


One photo or image will be chosen as the overall winner.
Each category will also be awarded a first place and runner up.


The overall winner will receive a brand-spanking-new "Keweenaw Volcanoes Observatory" T-shirt (98% Cotton, 2% "other fibers"). First place in each category will have the winning images with captions displayed on the "Winner's Page". All other entries will be made available on the "Volcanoes Page" as an on-line repository of photos and images.


No more than three entries per person will be considered for judging.
If submitting electronically, images must be 640x480 or 480x640 or larger
Entries must be received by December 15, 1995 for prize consideration.
Current Michigan Tech students are not eligible for judging (sorry Paul).


Entries will be accepted by conventional or electronical means.
Be sure to complete the "ENTRY FORM" for each image and send it along.

Send entries and forms to:

On-line Contest c/o Michael Dolan
Dept of Geol Eng and Sci
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton MI 49931-1295

Photos/slides/negatives received will be scanned on high spatial and color resolution scanners and returned.
Acceptable formats are:
Please include a self addressed envelope.

Place image and description files (entry forms) at the ftp site in pub/incoming/contest/
This is a *write* only directory. Files will not be retrievable.
Images must be 640x480 (or 480x640) or larger, 8 or 24-bit color and favorable in GIF, JPEG, TIFF, or PPM formats. Other formats are acceptable, but image quality may be lost in conversion to GIF/JPEG.


Copyrights have become a great concern on the WWW. All entries, at the sender's request, will have their name and organization tastefully placed on the photo/image. All entries received will be made available on the WWW for appreciation. Examples of how entries will be displayed:
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	Netscape 1.1N | Other Browsers
	(Blank entry form only)

	(This information must accompany each entry)

	ENTRY NAME: (filename or photo number)	______________

	[  ] YES  [  ] NO	
				Do you wish this image to be entered
				in the contest?
	[  ] YES  [  ] NO	
				Do you wish this entry to have 
				a copyright message?

	[  ] ON IMAGE  [  ] CAPTION	
				If so, do you want the message to appear 
				on the photo/image or as a caption below it?

	What should the copyright message say?
	Copyright by/to 

	YOUR NAME:	_______________________________________
	TITLE:		_______________________________________
	ORGANIZATION:	_______________________________________
	ADDRESS:	_______________________________________
	EMAIL:		_______________________________________
	URL:		_______________________________________

	ENTRY:		_______________________________________


Questions regarding this contest should be directed to