Stromboli 1985-1995, Part 2: The story in detail Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Isole Eolie), Sicily, Italy

Eruptive history

5. 1985-1995: A decade of Stromboli eruptive history, Part 2.

The story in detail

This chapter is a purely descriptive chronology of Stromboli's activity during this decade, complementing the analytical, summarizing previous section. It is again split into 5 sections (one for the 1985-86 eruption, and others for the periods 1986-88, 1989-91, 1992-93, and 1994-95) which are listed below. For those not interested in reading such a long story, there is an extra page showing only the images displayed here and related figure captions.

From here you can go to

  • The 1985-1986 eruption
  • 1986-1988: normal activity
  • 1989-1991: my first visits to Stromboli
  • 1992-1993: the first lava flow since 1986
  • 1994-1995: a period of dramatic changes
  • Images of the period 1985-1995

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    Latest changes made 18 November 1995