Travelling in the Isole Eolie


Note that this page is not yet complete!
In case of hurry, contact one of the fax numbers given at the end of this file.

This page will contain information about how to get to the Eolian Islands, where to find places to stay, and how to move from one island to another. You will also find some important contact addresses and fax numbers (e-mail still is not very widespread in this ambient).

  • Getting there
  • Access to the islands is via ferry ship (traghetto, plur.=traghetti) or hydrofoil (aliscafo, plur.=aliscafi). Ferry ships are maintained by the company "Siremar"; aliscafi are both run by the "Siremar" and another company named "SNAV" (addresses, phone and fax numbers below).

    The islands can be reached from Napoli (Naples), Messina, and Milazzo.


    Siremar ship agency

  • Napoli: (+39) 81-7201297
  • Lipari: (+39) 90-9880170
  • Milazzo: (+39) 90-9283243

    Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo (travel info center) at Lipari:

  • Where to stay?

    The Eolian Islands have numerous hotels, pensions, private rooms and a few holiday villages, covering a broad spectrum of price categories. Those who wish to stay in a very particular place, with the occasion of getting to know Giada and myself and doing excursions together to some of the most suggestive and geolocically as well as culturally interesting places, click on the photo right above.

    More soon!

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