1995 eruption of Cerro Negro, Nicaragua The 1995 eruption of Cerro Negro, Nicaragua

Last changed on 6 December 1995

Cerro Negro is one of the most active volcanoes of Nicaragua, having erupted six times in the last 30 years (1968, 1969, 1971, 1992, May-Aug 1995, and Nov-Dec 1995). Its most recent eruption started on 19 November 1995 and has been continuing as of 1 December 1995. Here are some images taken from German newspapers. They do not reach the quality of the amazing photos now available under the following URL:


This link has become much faster now after the first two days when apparently all volcanologists linked to WWW jumped on it... :-)

Latest News The eruption of Cerro Negro seems to have ended, at least for the moment. According to the Costa Rican newspaper "La Nación" of 4 December 1995, the eruption began to diminish in vigor on Saturday 2 December and virtually all eruptive and seismic activity ceased on Sunday 3 December. Only weak gas emissions persisted.

Cerro Negro during its April 1992 eruption, showing spectacular fire fountaining and lightning display in the eruptive column. Very similar photos were taken during the 1971 eruption, the last pre-1992 activity of the volcano. Taken from "Kieler Nachrichten", 15 April 1992.

The November 1995 eruption started with weak ash emissions, very similar to those of the preceding activity in May-August 1995. Note the wide crater and broad cone left by the powerful April 1992 eruption. Taken from "Basler Nachrichten", 1 December 1995.

Fire fountaining feeding a dense ash plume, probably on 30 November 1995. Photo was published in "Kölner Stadt Anzeiger", 2 December 1995.

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