Level Of Concern Color Code: YELLOW
The number of earthquakes recorded in the vicinity of Akutan volcano continues at a rate of about 60-80 per day. Although the threat of an imminent eruption has decreased, the volcano remains restless. Data from five seismic stations near Akutan are transmitted in real-time to AVO, which is staffed around the clock to provide analysis and interpretation of seismicity.
The following scenarios are considered possible:
The next update will be issued on wednesday unless the level of seismicity changes significantly
AVO is closely monitoring the situation. Recordings of current information are available by calling 907-786-7478. Information on the Akutan situation is also available on the Internet: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/
PLEASE CONTACT AVO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS: Terry E.C. Keith John Eichelberger AVO Scientist-in-Charge AVO Coordinating Scientist U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Institute 4200 University Drive University of Alaska Anchorage, AK 99508-4667 Fairbanks, AK 99775 OFF=(907) 786-7443 OFF=(907) 474-5530 FAX=(907) 786-7425 FAX=(907) 474-7290 EMAIL=TKEITH@TARDADDY.WR.USGS.GOV EMAIL= EICH@GI.ALASKA.EDU