Social Implications to Hazards



  1. Settlements -there are many great cities and towns in Guatemala, but on the areas around the volcanic edifice many fincas-agriculutral coffee based settlements are in a much higher risk area.
  2. Ecomony -having agricultural products as the main export in Guatemala forces people to migrate towards the most fertile lands, volcanic sediments.  
  3. Population Growth -Guatemala is a country of great population diversity, mostly rural people, of Spanish, European, and indigenous origin along with a mixture called Mesitzos. 
  4. Population Pattern -over half of Guatemalan's live to the south and west from the volcanic chain to the Pacific coast.  The tendency for movement of people in the country, like many countries, has been from the rural areas towards the industrial city centers.  PROCIG,CONRED,  

El Salvador

  1. Settlement Patterns -Around 75% of the population lives in large basins in El Salvador.  These valleys along with the nearby slopes of the central intermontane region are now home to the country's largest cities.
  2. Economy -The economy of El Salvador has mainly been a monoexport country, coffee. The policies that have formed to ensure production of coffee has led to social problems in the country.  
  3. Population Growth - Around 90% Amerindan and Spanish with 1% indigenous. 
  4. Population patterns and much more on El Salvador,SNET 

Costa Rica

  1. Settlement Patterns -The Meseta Central part of Costa Rica was the origin from which the country would grow.  People began to migrate towards the jobs: coffee farms in the mid-altitudes, banana plantations in the lowlands, and cattle ranching around the Nicaraguan border.
  2. Economy- Traditionally the agricultural products of Costa Rica were the main source of income. In recent years, tourism has become one of the dominate resources.  The attraction of more technologically based companies now suggest another key resource for the country is taking shape.
  3. Population Growth- The Spanish influence is still reflected in the country as 60% with a 40%  indigenous influence.  In reality, the mixture of the two, Mestizo,  dominates the majority of the country.
  4. Population Patterns and some correlations to population patterns, Prehistory and volcanism, IMN, RSN,OVSICORI


  1. Settlements in Panama- The effect of the Panama Canal in the distribution of population is great.  The rest of the population can be found on the coasts and the slopes leading to the coasts.
  2. Economy- Once again, the majority of business in centered around the activity of the canal.  The influence of agricultural products like bananas and coffee are also high. 
  3. Population Growth- The Mestizo ethnicity dominate the country with influences from many cultures(West Inidan, indigenous, English, German, Spanish...and many more).  
  4. Population Patterns,Migration 


  1. Settlements- Most of the population is found on the western side of the volcanic highlands.  The eastern half of the country has a population of mainly indigenous cultures.  The encroachment into the eastern half of the country by Mestizos is becoming more common as mineral resources are exploited.
  2. Economy- The rich oil reserves of the country drive the economy.  The export of products like bananas and shrimp are also account for a significant part of the countries revenue.
  3. Population Growth- The Mestizos make up the majority in the country with the Amerindians comprising 25% of the population.
  4. Population Patterns,Culture in Coastal EcuadorAgricultural DevelopmentSettlement Processes in Coastal Ecuador


  1. Settlements- A great majority of the population lives in the Pacific lowlands of the western side of the country.  There is also a high percentage of the population that lives in the cities.
  2. Economy- Disrupted by war and natural disasters, hurricane Mitch, has contributed the Nicaragua being on of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.  
  3. Population Growth- The population diversity can be easily distinguish from the two coasts: western Pacific, and eastern Atlantic. The Mestizos and European population can be found on the Pacific side, and the more Carribean influenced population on the Atlantic side.
  4. Impacts on Population PatternsAncient Settlement Patterns, GROUPFENIX, ELPORVENIR 


What is vulnerability? What makes people vulnerable? How do you reduce people's vulnerability?  These are some of the questions that are discussed on the following sites:  Vulnerability of Cities, Study of Disasters,Natural HazardsDisaster PolicyFinancing Disaster Mitigation for the Poor,Sustainable Suffering?, Effects of Disaster Recovery,Disaster-Vulnerability ReductionSocial Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods, and Disasters, Mitigation, Disasters, Development, and Vulnerability, Reducing Vulnerability: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Mitch   

Other Related Sites:
People,Poverty,Population,Interculutral Communications of Hazards (MTU),Managing Natural Hazard Risk, La Red,MTU volcanoes pageWorld Bank on DisastersForests, Natural Disasters, and Human SecurityCONREDCentral American Coordination Centre for Natural Disaster Prevention,Juan Carlos Villagran, IDEA Manizales, UNESCO, Indian Population Patterns, Land Use Pattern in Amazonian RegionMortality Patterns,Population Pattern Changes, LANIC