Visualization of the Pioneer Anticline:
The GeoGraphix Exploration System

(W Houston, W Everham)

The GeoGraphix Exploration System (GES) software package was acquired in fall 1995 and installed on a single PC in the Subsurface Visualization Laboratory (SVL) at Michigan Technological University (MTU). Since then, an academic license has been obtained allowing GeoGraphix to be installed on three additional machines. This system, along with the formal training of MTU geologists at GeoGraphix in Denver, Colorado and the practical application of the program to both industrial and academic research, has resulted in an active, university-based program that compliments the other visualization efforts in this project.

Visualization of the Pioneer Field at the SVL has progressed through the acquisition of data from Digital Petrophysics, Inc. (DPI) to the application of several software packages, including GeoGraphix, to the Pioneer project. Interpreted log and formation-top data were acquired from DPI and loaded into a GeoGraphix data base and maps of the Miocene unconformity and regional fault traces were produced . A series of cross sections through Pioneer Anticline were constructed in GeoGraphix using log templates generated in QLA2 (see Well Logs and Well Log Analysis). The addition of lithologic logs (see Graphical Display of lithologic Well Data) which exploit older data sets and the continued expansion and refinement of the digital GeoGraphix data base will allow for improved, comprehensive 2-D visualization of this field.

ER Mapper, Version 5.0, is being used to facilitate file transfer to and from GeoGraphix. Using this software, aerial photos and satellite imagery can be imported into GeoGraphix where surface maps and digital line data can be overlain and manipulated on these images.