Role of Fractures in Michigan Oil and Gas Reservoirs



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Links to PowerPoint Slides

Role of Fractures in Michigan Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Advanced Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs in Carbonate Rocks: The Michigan Basin

Project Team

Project Goals and Objectives

Types of Fractured Reservoirs

Origin of Fractures

Regional Analysis of Stress Fields and Fracture Development

Stress Created by Plate Collisions Eastern Continental Margin

Contemporary Maximum Horizontal Compressive Stress Directions

Bedding Parallel Strain from Calcite Twin Analyses

Sources of Data for Analyses of Fractures

Fracture Orientations from Outcrop Measurements

Fracture Study

Antrim Shale Fracture Orientations

Correlation of Fracture Frequency to Logs - Antrim Shale

Modeling Michigan Structures and Fractures using Riedel Shears

Riedel Shear Model for Left Simple Shear

Reidel Shear Development from Basement Fault

Anticlinal Structures created by Paired Reidel Shear Faults

Clayton Field Structural Interpretation from Seismic

Structural Contour Map on Top of Basement

Structural Model of Albion-Scipio Field

Structural Axis Trends in a Portion of Albion-Scipio Field

Fold Orientations and Left-Lateral Wrench Fault Model

Albion-Scipio Field, Riedel Shear Model

Summary and Conclusions

Summary and Conclusions

Author: Dr. W. B. Harrison, III


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