A common practice in Michigan when developing prospects is to map a parameter termed "Top of Porosity", essentially the first encounter of the drill bit with diagenetic dolomite. This parameter is recorded in records (scout tickets and driller’s reports) for several of the carbonate units in the Michigan Basin, including the Dundee and Trenton Formations. In many Dundee Reservoirs, the main pay zone is altered limestone that occurs off structure. Most of these traps are classified as stratigraphic.

The Deep River Field in Arenac County, MI. is a good example. Here the main reservoir is a diagenetic dolomite lying roughly NW – SE in a trend that is clearly off the structural highs mapped on the surface of the Dundee Formation. In the accompanying figure, the dolomite trend (color) is superimposed on the structure contours of the Dundee Formation (lines) and show the initial production (IP) for each well as a white circle. The diameter of each circle is proportional to the IP. Several deep "bulls eyes" ( SE and SE corners) in the map may be artifacts, but careful checking shows that they represent what was actually recorded in the driller’s reports and scout tickets for this field. Tight, unaltered, limestone ("Tombstone") forms an excellent seal where present. Where the dolomitization has penetrated through to top of the limestone, the overlying Bell shale forms an effective seal. The 3D diagram in the figure gives another perspective on the dolomitization pattern (deep red colors) and suggests that the dolomitization occurred along intersecting fractures. Two prominent dolomite lineations are apparent, but only one, the main NW – SE, trend was developed.

The discovery well was the Basin Oil Company & Don Rayburn #1 (S ½ NW NW sec. 8 – 19 N – 4E) and was drilled as an extension to the previously discovered Brea gas field above. Thus the discovery was fairly accidental, as was typical of these fields at the time (1943). Earlier deepening of the Brea gas wells failed to encounter oil and bottomed in tight, non-productive limestone.

Deep River Field was developed along the dolomite trend and produced over 26 Mbbls. of oil, an average of nearly 25,000bbls per acres, over a period of 56 years from 1943 to present. The maximum number of producing wells was 105 developed on 1060 acres. The average depth to reservoirs was 2800 feet. Porosity averaged 8% with a 60 md permeability. The oil has an API gravity of 35o.

The main dolomite zone is approximately 5 ½ miles striking N 60 W. Nowhere is it more than ½ mile in width. The dolomite strikes along a structural monocline that dips N 30 E and forms the NE flank of the Deep River dome. The dolomite is clearly secondary and is finely crystalline and vuggy. In core the dolomite is massive with sporadic vugs lined with small dark brown crystals and larger white rhombic crystals. Vugs are approximately 1 ½ inches in diameter and as much as 5 inches long.

There is no evidence of a measurable dip to the dolomite zone and it is assumed to be vertical . The dolomitization is known to continue downward at least 260 below the top of the Rogers City. Oil pay was encountered between 1 and 20 feet below the Bell shale and the original wells reported pay thickness of 11 – 12 feet. These well were drilled with cable tools and generally flowed oil on the first few feet of penetration, occasionally out of control. Subsequent rotary drilling through the dolomite zone placed the OWC at near –2210 feet subsea and found an average pay thickness of 145 feet. The primary reservoir drive mechanism is thought to be a limited water drive primarily because the GORs are low and have remained fairly constant.

Dolomitization is generally attributed to hot (?) brines ascending from below along joints and fractures. The Dundee may have been subaerially exposed prior to the deposition of the Bell Shale and may have had a extensive karstic topography developed on it, as evidenced by the deep sinkholes (?) on the flanks of the field.