Atlas 3.0
The software package, Atlas, is now completely functional with Michigan data. Although it was written to handle other data sets, it has yet to be tested with data from other locations. Atlas provides a way to manage and use digital well data along with scanned images of original documents associated with each well. Features of the Atlas software include the following.
Well Location Mapping. Plot well locations by county, oil field, or user-drawn area on the map.
Well Symbolization. Plot wells by color according to the attributes chosen by the user. Atlas queries the database by the presence of Formation Tops, Well Status and Type, LAS files, and documents (Scout Tickets and Driller Reports for the Michigan data set).
Data Editing. Edit digital well data by selecting an individual well or a group of wells. Data for updates can be obtained by viewing the Scout Tickets and Driller Reports.
Document Viewing. View the multiple-page Scout Tickets and Driller Reports from the Edit Screen.
Exporting Formation Depths. Export multiple Formation Depths for a set of wells to use as input to the 3DVu program, which provides 2D and 3D views of the surface and allows rapid, easy comparison of multiple fields.
LogVu. When a rectangle is drawn around a set of wells on the map, all wells in the selection with LAS files attached are sent to the LogVu software package. LogVu displays log curves and cross-sections from the LAS files.
Physical Map Features. By using the U.S. Census TIGER/Line® data which is publicly available as shape files, physical features such as lakes, rivers, and streets can be added by county to the Atlas map.
Printing Maps. Atlas will print the currently displayed map with all of its features on letter size paper.
Atlas was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic and the ESRI control, MapObjects LT, with Microsoft Access as the database structure. Appendix 1 contains the help files for Atlas.