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Professor of Economic and Engineering Geology
Office: 516 EERC
Personal Statement
- Solving problems related to mineral resources requires a multidisciplinary
- Bachelors; Michigan Technological Univesity
- Masters; University of New Mexico
- Ph.D.; University of New Mexico
- geology of metallic ore deposits with emphasis on geochemistry
- geology and native copper deposits of the Keweenawan Midcontinent rift system
- geology and mineral deposits of the Archean of Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, especially the Ishpeming greenstone belt
- geochemistry and geology of selected metallic ore deposits in Finland
- statistical analysis of geoscience data
- environmental geochemistry as applied to metallic ore deposits
Courses Taught
- Understanding the Earth (Physical Geology for nonmajors)
- Engineering Evaluation of Mineral Deposits
- Field Geology with Engineering Applications
- Mineral Deposit Exploration Models
- Exploration and Environmental Geochemistry
- Sampling, Statistics, and Geomechanics (team taught)