Part II. Properties of an Electrical Circuit This next demonstration shows how flow in electrical systems is similar to groundwater systems. We will be using the analogy of land surface elevations and contours, which most of us have seen on topographic maps, to help understand the same concepts of energy potential and energy flow in groundwater and electrical systems. Surface water, and ground or subsurface water, flows from areas of high potential energy to low potential energy. For surface water, this is a formal way of saying that water flows downhill. The Earth's surface can be described by topographic maps, which have lines that connect areas of equal elevation (or potential energy levels). Electrical flow maps follow the same principles, as surface maps with the areas of equal voltage connected by lines are called "equipotential" lines. For this part you can use an empty plastic tub from the lab kit, or something smaller such as a glass baking dish (just make sure it has a level bottom so the water depth will be the same throughout, and it is not made of metal). Fill the tub with water to a depth of about 2 cm (little less than an inch). Because we are using small voltages, we will enhance the sensitivity of our model by using a salt water solution to improve the conductivity of water. Add about 1/4 cup of salt to a 2 liter bottle of water. The exact amounts are not important. Figure 1a below will help guide your model set up. Place masking tape along the edges of the plastic tub, and use your meter stick to mark off 5-cm lengths on the tape (start in the lower left corner as the 0,0 mark). Take your bare metal pieces, and bend them so they can sit in the tub bottom with their base in the water and the top sticking up in the air. Place them at opposite ends of the tub, and connect the "+" post of the battery to one and the "-" post to the other. This creates an electrical circuit. Connect the common (black) lead of the voltage meter to the "-" post of the battery. Turn on the meter to the "20" setting. With the red lead probe, check the battery voltage by touching to the "+" post. If everything is working you should get the same voltage reading as in Part I (you might get a slightly smaller voltage after the circuit is connected). Measure the voltage where the "+" lead of the battery connects to the metal wire in the tub. Still the same voltage? Measure the voltage at the "-" lead, and it should read zero. So what you have is a change in voltage potential, from high to low, across the water between your two wires. In elevation analogy, this would be from the top of a mountain to its base. 1. Now, put your probe in the water about an inch towards the other wire (point "x" in Figure 1a). What do you measure? Move the probe in a line between the two wires until you read 5 volts. Mark this position on Graph 1. As shown in Figure 1b, continue to the 4 volt mark, 3, 2, and 1, each time marking the locations on your Graph 1. What you see is the change in electrical potential as you move across the conducting material (water). We will use the convention that electrical flow is from positive to negative. Draw a "flow line" from the "+" wire to the "-", to represent the flow of electricity. 2. Is this the only pathway for electricity to flow? Let's find out. Put your probe back to the 5 volt mark between the two wires. Now move the probe around the "+" lead (keeping the tip in the water), and try to keep the meter reading steady at 5 volts. Mark these positions and sketch the 5 volt equipotential line on Graph 1. The lines end at the container boundaries. Using your meter measurements as a guide, sketch in the approximate equipotential lines for the 4, 3, 2, and 1 volt levels (these should look somewhat like the example in Figure 1c). 3. Since you measure voltage throughout the basin system, what does this suggest to you about electrical flow - is there more than one pathway? Now we're going to draw some more flow lines to represent some of these alternate pathways. Think about standing on a steep hillslope, and pouring a bucket of water on the ground and watching it travel to a hole at the bottom. 4. Will all the water follow a single line or path? Will every pathway reach the hole at the same time? That's an easy one, but thinking of this analogy is very useful when trying to describe electrical and groundwater flow. Electricity, like water, will move from high potential (high elevations) to low: The flow will travel perpendicular to the equipotential lines. Where the equipotential lines are straight this is simple, but when the lines curve you have to make the flow lines curve also (see Figure 1c). 5. Draw two other flow paths between the two metal wires on your graph. There are an (almost) infinite number of flow paths in this system, and the same concept holds for groundwater flow - there are nearly infinite pathways for water to travel between two points - some ways are more direct than others, and groundwater will travel fastest along the most efficient pathway between the two points.