README.txt for Landcover Data File Processing Requirements ------------ IDL 7.1 or later GAMAP Library Server with Linux OS X-windows (optional) Procedure --------- 1) Download collection of IDL programs and unzip to a directory 2) Download bpch data files and save to same directory 3) Edit the selected program file to set the desired configuration and save file 4) Start IDL 5) Compile the program (> .compile 5) Run the program (> filename) Example ------- To run the program '', open in a text editor and change the lines indicated with arrows. datadir - variable containing the full path to the directory where the data files are stored (or the relative path from the IDL program directory). saveplot - boolean variable used to write graphical output to a Postscript file png - boolean variable used to write graphical output to a PNG image file outfile - full or relative path to the Postscript output file pngfile - full or relative path to the PNG image file pro oxplot_DJF ; data files >> datadir = './' data2000 = datadir + 'ctm.natveg2000.bpch' data2050 = datadir + 'ctm.natveg2050.bpch' data2100 = datadir + 'ctm.natveg2100.bpch' ; get grid information ModelType = 'GCAP' resolution = 4 ModelInfo = CTM_TYPE( ModelType, reso=resolution) GridInfo = CTM_GRID( ModelInfo ) modellayers = 47 ; GEOS-5 reduced grid >> saveplot = 1L >> png = 0L >> outfile = './plots/' >> pngfile = './pngs/landcover_ox_DJF.png' Save the file, start IDL, and compile.