Bete Grise            EarthCache

A fine, low energy beach, Bete Grise is sheltered from strong northerly winds by the lavas of the Portage Lake sequence above the Keweenaw Fault. The beach has two access points, one to the North, which is where most of the public goes, and which has parking along the Bete Gris road, and one to the South, accessed along the Gay-Lac la Belle road and a 100 m long trail from the Parking lot N to the shore. The South is much more secluded, park of the Bete Grise South Preserve. Watch for ophite boulders and cobbles, and explore the wetlands west of the beach to see the old shorelines.  This is a beautiful place, part of the sacred lands of the Anishinaabe.

Park Here   
Ancient Shorelines
Channel Stop
Bete Grise South

Schematic cross section view of the Bete Gris Wetlands, entirely underlain by Jacobsville Sandstone, looking east.

Bete Grise Wetlands

Jacobsville Sandstone

Portage Lake Volcanics

Apple Maps Image

Natural Channel

Man Made Channel

Raised Shorelines