During discussion:
1) Students,
please: introduce yourself and say which university you are from
before asking a question to the speaker.
2) Moderators,
please: (i) encourage discussion questions after the speaker has
given an answer to one of our prepared questions; (ii) lead page
changes; (iii) limit Tuesday discussion to 5 minutes per question;
(iv) start and finish the discussion within the agreed times.
Tuesday Discussion - class participants meet from 4-5:00 pm EST:
All groups upload Word documents to the Whiteboard between
3:30-3:45 pm EST on Tuesday. Everyone can save these documents
independently from Marratech to their computers. We therefore: (1)
don't need to compile the questions in one document and (2) don’t
need to cut and paste between documents prior to the meeting.
Discussion - class participants and speaker meet from 4-5:30 pm
EST: questions are discussed in order of priority and group by
group; moderator is responsible for keeping discussion moving,
encouraging discussion after questions, changing slides if the
speaker doesn't, staying within the class times (i.e. start at 4
pm, finish at 5:30
pm EST).
1. Schedule
Prior to Tuesday
3:30 pm:
All groups meet
individually to discuss papers and PowerPoint; generate list of
questions; prioritise in order of preference (see section 2
below for information on the question format to be used by all;
this will make all the Words docs compatible).
Tuesday 3:30 pm: One member of each group (the rep) is
responsible for connecting to Marratech and uploading a Word
document containing 3 questions from the group to the GE5185 room;
Deadline 3:45 pm.
Please save your Word document in this format:
MTU_questions_clague.doc -- this will make it easy to
identify the correct slide for each group when we upload the Word
doc to Marratech.
Please upload from the computer that your group normally uses
during the web meeting.
To do this: go to "File" --> "Open" --> "MS Word" .
Tuesday 4-5 pm: We discuss the questions in order of
priority and group by group; make reference to the powerpoint and
reading materials; questions may be improved and made more
concise; by the end of the session we will have a set of coherent
questions; group reps edit their group's questions on the fly in
an open Word document; to replace the questions Word doc already
displayed in Marratech, just open the Word file with the same name
and select “replace all”;
*At the end of the
discussion*, group reps ensure that the edited questions
are uploaded and that moderator is aware of any changes. Also,
email the Word document containing questions to the moderator.
*At the end of the
discussion*, the moderator saves all the questions from the
whiteboard; unfortunately, we cannot save directly to Word.
"File" --> "Export"
--> "Export all pages"
This generates a
series of JPEGs that can be inserted into a Word document.
Reps will also email
Word docs to the moderator.
Between Tuesday 5 pm and Wednesday 4 pm: Moderator makes
appropriate edits; sends a complete list to class and speaker 24
hours before the Thursday meeting, i.e. by 4 pm EST on Wednesday.
2. Question preparation format:
Please use this format when preparing questions (also word doc
attached) - this will help us work through the questions in the
Tuesday discussion.
Subject area: In general terms what the question relates to
1. (Cite specific PowerPoint slides and/or paper pages/figs)
Question 1 written here…. (Person name if appropriate)
Here's an example of the format followed by University of Colima:
1. (Slide 44) To what extent does excessive rainfall
(Particularly concentrated on tropical regions such as Hawaii)
induce or exacerbate sub-areal slumping? Are there there further
hydrological processes to consider such as instability caused by
phreatic volcanism? (A. Browning)
3. Related Information:
Moderator schedule:
Class email list: use list on one of my recent emails or full list
Speaker emails can be found through links from here:
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