Some common conditions favoring sector collapse of volcanoes
Spetrum of volcaniclastic deposits and relation with their origin.
The distinction between cohesive or clay-rich lahars and non-cohesive lahars is related to the amount of clay in the matrix. Kevin Scott et al. (1992)  proposed empirically that about 3-5 % is the boundary based on his study in Mount Rainier.
You can remember that Lee Siebert proposed these different ways to form lahars associated with edifice failure. However, only the first one  directly result from a flank or sector collapse event that can produce cohesive lahars.
The Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) is an irregular province, about 1,000 km long and 20-150 km broad, that lies oblique to the Middle American Trench, and extends east-west between Veracruz (Gulf of Mexico) and Puerto Vallarta (Pacific Ocean). A characteristic feature of the MVB is the occurrence of high-relief, nearly north-south trending volcanic ranges formed by large stratovolcanoes, separated by wide intramontane lacustrine/playa basins.
The Citlaltépetl-Cofre de Perote volcanic range (CCPVR) forms an important physiographic barrier that separates the Central Altiplano (2,500 masl) from the Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP)(1,300 masl). The CCPVR consists of a wide variety of volcanic centers forming the 70-km long, nearly N‑S trending chain that includes several large stratovolcanoes, minor cinder cones, and a few silicic domes. The varied morphologic characteristics of the volcanic structures show different degrees of erosion and indicate a relative southward younger age of the volcanism. There are two main alignment directions: a NE-SW trend containing the northernmost Las Lajas-Cofre de Perote-northern La Gloria volcanoes, and a N-S trend with the La Gloria-Las Cumbres-Citlaltépetl volcanoes.
Distribution of main deposits derived from multiple collapsing events at the Citlaltépetl-Cofre de Perote volcanic range. All directed to the east (Gulf od Mexico). The abrupt eastward drop in relief between the Altiplano (west) and the Gulf of Mexico (east)  provinces gives rise to unstable conditions and consequent gravitational collapse of large volcanic edifices built at the edge of the Altiplano like Citlaltépetl, Las Cumbres, and Cofre de Perote. There have also been several small-scale landslides and debris flows in Holocene times, some of which are not related to the activity of the large volcanoes (e.g. the 1920 seismogenic event). There are also a few isolated exposures of other volcaniclastic deposits, but their sources remain unknown. Some of the resulting avalanches and transformed flows have exceptionally long runouts and reach the Gulf of Mexico after traveling more than 120 km from their source, mainly as hyperconcentrated flows (not shown in this figure). Teteltzingo, Metlac and Jamapa are related to Citlaltépetl volcano and will be described as follows:
Two major voluminous deposits (Jamapa avalanche and Teteltzingo lahar) are related to collapses of ancestral volcanoes ( Torrecillas, the oldest and Espolón de Oro, the intermediate volcano) above of which the present Citlaltépetl cone grew. A comparatively small-scale debris avalanche deposit located about 20 km southeast of the volcano crops out along the Metlac river-valley, which is behind the Citlaltépetl edifice.
Scar remnants of  Espolón de Oro cone. It is assumed that a horsehoe-like scarp was produced but was later destroyed and/or covered by subsequent lavas of the present cone. Photograph on the left hand side show alternance of altered pyroclastic and brecciated deposits with platy-jointed andesitic lava flows of the interior of the Espolón de Oro former edifice.
The Teteltzingo avalanche-lahar appears to be a single massive, unbedded, poorly sorted mixture of heterolithologic pebbles, cobbles, and boulders supported within a characteristic yellow-brown, clayey, silty sand matrix that contains small vesicles suggestive of air bubbles trapped in a water-saturated matrix. Hydrothermal alteration on the matrix is extensive and dominant in the whole deposit. The deposit's features suggest that it had an origin as a sector collapse of weakened, water-saturated hydrothermally altered rock that transformed from a debris avalanche to a cohesive lahar very close to its source, similar to the Osceola lahar (Vallance and Scott, 1997). In this picture you can see very large boulders that were transported to this location at 65 km from the source area.
Cross sections showing relations of stratigraphic units:
1.9 ky pyroclastic flow;
2. 13 ky banded ignimbrite
3. Tetelzingo deposit- foming flat terraces with veneer deposits up to 60 m above the thick fill deposits (section B-B’), and showing small hummocks, about 5-15 m high (section C-C’) similar to those found at the Osceola lahar (Mount Rainier).
4. Old Debris flows
5. Andesite block and ash flows
6. Cretaceous limestone
Green square indicates location of next slide.
Veneer deposits suggest peak levels of the flow passing through the barranca.
The Tetelzingo deposit forms relatively flat terraces. It is 12-20 m thick on average, but in a few places is up to 100 m thick. Here overlying a 9 ky pyroclastic flow deposit forming a lower terrace level.
Comparison of the grain size characteristics of different lahars from Mount Rainier and Citlaltépetl volcanoes.
Cumulative plot of grain size characteristics of Tetelzingo and other lahars from Mt. Rainier. Ternary diagram of matrix components. Notice how cohesive lahars can be distinghished by their higher clay content.
Carrasco-Núñez et al. (1993) proposed that the presence of glacier ice and a very active hydrothermal system during late Pleistocene time provided a constant supply of pore water, which enhanced the hydrothermal alteration of the summit of Citlaltépetl and was the origin of most of the water for the lahar. The intense hydrothermal alteration seems to be related to an acid-sulfate leaching process where sulfates are added, while mobile elements are removed from the surroundings rocks to form clay, silica, and sulfate minerals. Plot of the degree of hydrothermal alteration (area and intensity) versus and the area covered by glacial ice for the Cascade volcanoes and Citlaltépetl (from Carrasco-Núñez et al., 1993). 0-no alteration; 1- small areas of moderate alteration; 2- moderate alteration; 3- large areas of moderate alteration; 4- large intensely-altered rocks. C-Citlaltépetl, GP- Glacier Peak; MA-Mount Adams; MB-Mount Baker; MH-Mount Hood; MJ- Mount Jefferson; ML- Mount Lassen; MR-Mount Rainier; MS-Mount Shasta; MSH- Mount St. Helens; TS-Three Sisters.
A.Height to lenght ratio (H/L) versus volume (V) or vertical drop to travel distance: It is used to predict maximum runout of debris avalanches.
B. H/L versus area  for volcanic and non-volcanic debris avalanches, and lahars.
You can see that cohesive lahars have in general lower H/L ratios than volcanic avalanches, implying longer runouts.
Two different terrace levels are observed on more distal areas from Citlaltépetl volcano, but only one massive deposits is observed in proximal localities.
Distribution of the Jamapa debris avalanche deposit, the largest collapse event from Citlaltépetl volcano. The intense orange colour shows the primary avalanche, which is followed by a light colour zone, indicating lateral transformation to lahar deposit and finally to hypoconcentrated deposit. Green square indicates approximate location of next photograph. Blue circle indicates the hummocky area, which are shown two slides later.
Inferred source area for the Metlac debris avalanche deposit.
The Metlac debris avalanche is an indurated, massive, bouldery-rich, matrix-supported, heterolithologic deposit, which is dominated by andesitic clasts. Jigsaw fracture clasts are hardly observed on the lower photograph among the students.
View of the interior of Citlaltépetl´s crater showing areas of fresh and altered rocks, and some large subvertical fractures. Alteration is mainly controled by deep fractures into the crater.
Let´s move to Las Cumbres avaklanche.
Las Cumbres is an eroded stratovolcano consisting of thick and massive hornblende-bearing andesitic lava flows. The present summit rim (3,800 m asl) marks the boundary of a 4 km diameter collapse caldera that is breached to the east. The maximum height of the pre-collapse stratovolcano could have been similar to that of the present Citlaltépetl volcano (5675 m asl) because these two volcanoes have a similar base diameter of about 20 km.
Photographs of Las Cumbres Avalanche deposit in a proximal area, about 12 km from source, showing the chaotic distribution of clasts, oversized boulders and highly altered areas.
The deposit contains less proportion of boulders and is greatly dominated by matrix facies, sometimes showing still some coloured areas. The photograph on the left show some fragmented clasts due to shearing during transport.
Distribution of the 1920 seismogenic debris flow along the Huitzilapan river, traveling nearly 30 km.
The Huitzilapan debris flow was triggered by an estimated 6.5 magnitude earthquake in 1920, which was preceded by ten days of heavy rainfall. Multiple small landslide are the source of most of the material forming the lowermost terraces. Photographs are not exactly from the same site.
Photograph showing the 1920 Huitzilapan deposit overlaying the 5,860 +/- 60 yr. B.P. debris flow deposit along the Huitzilapan river-valley. Dashed line indicates the contact between these two deposits.
Now, let´s talk about Cofre de Perote volcano. See it not oriented in the same N-S aligment followed by Citlaltépetl and La Gloria volcanoes.
Peculiar morphology of this cone showing gentle slopes and emisions of lavas through different vents instead of a single vent as typical for stratovolcanoes. Last activity was recorded on 200 ky, so it is regarded as an extint volcano; however, collapsing events have been occurred on 40 ky and 10 ky, and were apparently not associated with any eruptive activity.
Cofre de Perote is characterized by a prominent set of scarps that as a group show a spectacular horseshoe shape that may be linked to repetitive flank failures. So far, at least two main debris avalanche deposits (Xico and Los Percados) have been confirmed on the eastern lower slopes of Cofre de Perote towards the Gulf of Mexico
Photographs of the Xico avalanche. Outcrop at about 10 km from source showing the massive and chaotic nature of the Xico avalanche deposit with large blocks within a silty matrix, scarce wood partially charred was dated at 10-13 ky.  
Los Pescados deposit consists of at least two different units that crop out along Los Pescados river valley forming a central terrace slightly dipping to the east. The deposit forms the lowermost channel-filling terrace deposit of Los Pescados River, and is therefore the youngest deposit in the area. It overlies a basaltic lava plateau, which has been dated at 0.26 +/- 0.03 Ma by the 40Ar/39Ar method. Some blocks show jigsaw-fractures typical of debris avalanches, but there are no hummocks at the surface of this deposit. This deposit may have been originated from a catastrophic edifice collapse and rapidly transformed to a lahar that flowed to a distance of at least 50 km from the Cofre de Perote source.
Los Pescados deposit consists of massive, heterolithologic mixture of boulders and coarse gravels within a silty-clayey matrix.
Avalanche or lahar ? For discussion.
Distribution of the limestone basement rocks and main structural patterns. In the Serdán-Oriental basin they are partially buried by pyroclastic and lacustrine deposits and have a higher altitude in comparison with equivalent rocks outcropping on the coastal plain. Nakamura (1977) model can be applied to Cofre de Perote, generating avalanches in a perpendicular direction with respect to the inferred maximum horizontal stress.
A) Schematic profile showing the contrasting relief of the Altiplano, the coastal plain, and the outcrops of limestone basement sloping eastward. B) Structural section of the Veracruz coastal plain (modified from Viniegra, 1965).
Map showing the potential areas of instability based on the combination of unstable conditions including: slope, alteration areas, fractures, seismic data, and present morphology
This map considers 3 different levels of hazard and it is based on field data and computer simulations.
Hope you enjoyed this presentation.