Class schedule
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24 Jan 2008

Yoshiyuki Tatsumi
Presented by Joaquin Cortes
31 Jan 2008
3:30pm EST

Charles DeMets
Geodynamic processes at
subduction zones
rates, roll-back, crustal deformation)
Powerpoint Material:
Subduction tectonics: Earthquake cycle and long- term deformation
Jarrard, Relations among Subduction parameters
(Dr DeMets requests that you olny skim this and focus on parts that interest you as it is a 68 page article)
Additional Readings:
On the relationships between slab dip, back-arc stress, upper plate absolute motion, and crustal nature in subduction zones
Moderators: UNAM
Recorded Discussion
7 Feb 2008
Juan Pablo Ligorría A. |
Seismic Profiling of
subduction zones – Benioff zone
beneath volcanic arcs: Andean arc)
Liggoría, Crustal velocity structure of southern Guatemala using refracted and Sp converted waves
Deformation of crustal thickness beneath Chiapas, Mexico using S and Sp waves
Distribution of stresses and geometry of the Wadati-Benioff zone under Chiapas, Mexico
Manea, V.C., and Manea, M., 2006. The origin of modern Chiapanecan volcanic arc in southern Mexico inferred from thermal models. Under Publication: GSA Special Paper 412 ch2: “Natural Hazards in Central America”
Rogers, R.D., H. Karason and R. van der Hilst, 2002. Epeirogenic uplift above a detached slab in northern Central America. Geology, v. 30, no. 11, p1031-1034.
Mann, P., Rogers, R., and Gahagan, L., 2006, Chapter 8. Overview of Plate tectonic history and its unsolved tectonic problem. in J. Buncdschud (ed) Central America : Geology, Resources, and Natural Hazards, Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands. p. 205 – 241.
Extra Materials:
Cocos-Nazca slab window beneath Cental America (Johnston and Thork)
Moderators: MTU Recorded Tuesday session
14 Feb 2008
Xyoli Perez Campos
Seismic Profiling of
subduction zones – Lithosphere above Benioff zone
(Morphology of Benioff zones: Mexican arc)
Shape of the subducted Rivera and Cocos plates in southern Mexico: Seismic and tectonic implications (Pardo and Suarez)
Q of Lg waves in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt (Singh)
Additional Readings:
structure of south-central Mexico estimated from inversion of surface
wave dispersion curves using genetic and simulated annealing algorithms
search for missing link between the ancient Farallon subduction and the
present Cocos subduction (Gorbatob and Fuako)
Moderators: Colima Recorded tuesday session
21 Feb 2008

Insights from experimental petrology into magma, storage and dynamics in subduction-related settings
PPT: What is a Rock?
A Hornblende Basalt from Western Mexico: Water-saturated Phase Relations Constrain a Pressure---Temperature Window of Eruptibility (Barclay and Carmicheal)
The hydrous phase equilibria (to 3 kbar) of an andesite and basaltic andesite from western Mexico: constraints on water content and conditions of phenocryst growth (Moore et al, 1998)
Additional Readings:
Amphibole "sponge" in arc crust? (Davidson et el)
A low-pressure–high-temperature technique for the piston-cylinder (Moore et al, 2008)
Equilibration Scales in Silicic to Intermediate Magmas - Implications for Experimental Studies (Pichavant)
More useful references from Jenni
Moderators: Buffalo Recorded Thursday session |
28 Feb 2008
7:00 pm EST

Georg Zellmer
Processes and rates of magma ascent, storage and differentiation beneath arcs
Some first order observations on magma transferfrom mantle wedge to upper crust at volcanic arcs
Arc dacite genesis pathways: Evidence from mafic enclaves and their hosts in Aegean lavas
Magma evolution and ascent at volcanic arcs: constraining petrogenic processes through rates and chronologies
Additional Readings:
Some remarks on the U-Th mineral ages from igneous rocks with prolonged crystallization cycles
Magma Emplacement and Remobilization Timescales Beneath Montserrat: Insights from Sr and Ba Zonation in Plagioclase Phenocrysts
trace element correlation patterns to decipher a sanadine crystal
growth chronology: An example from Taapaca volcano, Central Andes
Georg was nice enough to answer the questions that we didn't get to in class. Thery are posted here.
Moderators: SFU Recorded Thrusday session
6 Mar 2008

Dougal Jerram
Understanding your textures: unraveling the origin of crystal populations in volcanic rocks
Microsampling and Isotopic Analysis of Igneous Rocks:
Implications for the Study of Magmatic Systems
3D Analysis of Rock Textures:
Quantifying Igneous Microstructures
Additional readings: (these are for those who would like to think more about the subject, please keep the discussion to those readings above)
Quantifying the Building Blocks of Igneous Rocks: Are Clustered Crystal Frameworks
the Foundation?
On estimating crystal shape for crystal size distribution analysis
Combining CSD and isotopic microanalysis: Magma supply and mixing processes at Stromboli
Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
More info in CSD, Thanks Caco!
Moderators: McGill
13 Mar 2008

Simon M. Peacock |
Thermal Structure and Metamorphic Evolution of Subducting Slabs (Peacock)
Experimentally based water budgets for dehydrating slabs and consequences for arc magma generation (Schmidt and Poli)
Moderators : Mcgill
20 Mar 2008

Paul Wallace |
The role of magmatic volatiles in arc magmas
of volatiles in magmas, volatiles in arc magmas)
Volatiles in subduction zone magmas: concentrations and fluxes based on melt inclusion
and volcanic gas data (Wallace)
Volatiles in Magmas (Wallace)
Additional Readings:
on mantle melting and composition and nature of slab components in
volcanic arcs from volatiles (H2O, S, Cl, F) and trace elements in melt
inclusions from the Kamchatka Arc
Subduction cycling of volatiles and trace elements through the Central American volcanic arc: evidence
from melt inclusions
The influence of H2O on mantle wedge melting (Grove)
Effect of solid flow above a subducting slab on water distribution
and melting at convergent plate boundaries (Cagnioncle)
Moderators: UNAM
27 Mar 2008
Volcanism, Geochemistry and Tectonics at Cocos-Caribbean plate boundary
Arc-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Petrology and geochemistry of lavas
Additional Readings:
Element fluxes from the volcanic front of Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Moderators: MTU |
03 Apr 2008

Becky Lange
Partial melting
processes beneath arcs – crustal melting
of magmas at crustal levels)
The eruptive history of the Tequila volcanic field, western Mexico:
ages, volumes, and relative proportions of lava types
Additional Reading:
A Pliocene ignimbrite fl are-up along the Tepic-Zacoalco rift:
Evidence for the initial stages of rifting between the Jalisco block
(Mexico) and North America
Generation of high-silica rhyolite: A Nd, Sr, and O isotopic study
of Sierra La Primavera, Mexican Neovolcanic Belt
Modelling the petrogenesis of high Rb/Sr silicic magmas
Compositional Zoning of the BishopTuff
The Magma Reservoirs That Feed Supereruptions
Moderators: Buffalo
10 Apr 2008
Colin Macpherson |
Constraints for the
existence of adakites
of and constraints for adakite’s existence, doubts on their existence)
Moderators: ASU
17 Apr 2008
Luis Lara
relations in continental arcs
between tectonics and style of volcanism)
Moderators: SFU |
24 Apr 2008
Luca Ferrari |
The Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt
background of the TMVB)
Moderators: Colima
8 May 2008
Hugo Delgado |
Active volcanoes of the Trans-Mexican
Volcanic Belt
of the geology of the active volcanoes of central TMVB)
12-23 May 2008 |
Field trip