Santa María Volcano, Guatemala
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Volcano Number 1402-03
Other Names Used
Santa María:
- *Gagxanul, "The Naked Volcano"
- (Recinos and Goetz, 1953)
Santiaguito (The dome extruded since 1922):
- *Santiago
- *Hijo del volcán
- *Niño De Jesús
Height of the top above sea level: 3768 m
Height above plain of Quezaltenango: 1170 m

- Santa María/Santiaguito's position along the northern extent of the Central American volcanic arc. Late Quaternary stratovolcanoes are marked by bullseyes and include: (1) Tacaná, (2) Siete Orejas, Santa-María/Santiaguito, (3) Atitlán volcanoes (San Pedro, Tolimán, and Atitlán), (4) Acatenango and Fuego, (5) Agua, (6) Pacaya, and (7) Tecuamburro (Conway et al., 1994).