GOES observations of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
December 26, 1997
NOTE: Please be aware that there is an earth location error for the
cloud shown in these images, due to the viewing geometry of the GOES sensor.
Assuming a cloud height of 15km (~50,000 ft), the actual location of the cloud
is ~7 km to the southwest (azimuth of 235) from the apparent location shown in
the image.
GOES Band 4 Brightness Temperature Images
Pixel size is 5km.
(07:09 Z)
(07:39 Z)
(08:09 Z)
(08:39 Z)
Brightness Temperature Profiles
From North to South
(07:09 Z)
(07:39 Z)
(08:09 Z)
(08:39 Z)
Brightness Temperature Contours
Contour Interval= 5 C
(07:09 Z)
(07:39 Z)
This page created by Dave Schneider (djschneider@usgs.gov)