Terascan Script Files
The following are a lsit of Terascan scripts which may help to speed processing.
Land/Water Masking
- Why would I want to do this?
- make_master_mask
This script generates a master land/
water mask for use in the following two programs.
- do_masking
This script takes the master mask generated using make_master_mask, and
extracts the AVHRR band 4 and band 5 data
- mask_subThis script generates a land/water mask, extracts AVHRR band 4 and 5 data,
and exports a cloud region in ascii format for importing into RADIANNET
Geostationay Processing
- ncar_goes_proc: Remaps GOES data
from our NCAR source, and does thermal band subtraction.
- ncar_goes_rast: Remaps GOES data
from our NCAR source, does thermal band subtraction, and injects coastlines,
temperature scale, legend, etc., and outputs them as a sunraster
- gms_proc: Remaps GMS data from Hawaii site,
and does thermal band subtraction.
AVHRR/HIRS processing
- hirs_proc: Uses AVHRR and HIRS data from
the same satellite swath, masks out bad data strips (calibration lines)
from the HIRS data, and masks out the area of the volcanic cloud from
the HIRS data using the AVHRR band 4-5 technique.
This page maintained by Dave Schneider (djschnei@mtu.edu)