Photomicrographs - North Coles Levee Field (3 photos)

Well: Richfield A-52

FRAME 3-27. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (Richfield A-52 ' 85601). Note secondary porosity after plagioclase (blue epoxy, center), primary porosity, and patches of carbonate cement (lower left, lower right, upper left). Field of view 2.lmm. Plane light.

FRAME 3-28. Same field of view as frame 3-27. Note patches of rhombic to poikilotopic calcite cement. Field of view 2.lmm. Crossed Nicols.

FRAME 3-29. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (Richfield A-52, 8560'). Note presence of two carbonates. Microcrystalline, iron-stained dolomite? appears in center and left center. Highly birefringent, coarsely crystalline calcite cement is seen in top center and bottom center. Note also volcanic rock fragments in lower left and upper right. Field of view 1.05mm. Crossed Nicols.