Photomicrographs - North Coles Levee Field (5 photos)
Well: NCL 488-29
FRAME 3-22. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (NCL 488-29, 8946.8'). Note major secondary porosity after plagioclase (blue epoxy) in center, lower right, and upper left, and abundant pore-filling kaolinite (top center and left half of photo). Both kaolinite and some secondary porosity in plagioclase (center) have been infiltrated by hydrocarbons (brown). Field of view 1.05mm. Plane light.
FRAME 3-23. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (NCL 488-29, 8946.8'). Note secondary porosity within plagioclase grain (blue epoxy), some of which has been infilled by hydrocarbons. Note also iron-stained carbonate (lower left) and pore-filling kaolinite stained by hydrocarbons (lower right). Field of view 1.05mm. Plane light.
FRAME 3-24. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (NCL 488-29, 8946.8'). Note hydrocarbons in secondary porosity within plagioclase (center), and oil-stained kaolinite (bottom left) and carbonate (bottomright).
Field of view 2.lmm. Plane light.
FRAME 3-25. Same field of view as frame 3-24. Note microcrystalline iron-stained carbonate (dolomite or siderite?) in lower right and coarser calcite (right center and upper right). Field of view 2.lmm. Crossed Nicols.
FRAME 3-26. Stevens sandstone from North Coles Levee field (NCL 488-29, 9041'). Note rhombic (left center) to poikilotopic (right margin) calcite? cement and partial replacement of twinned plagiociase (top center and bottom center) and andesitic rock fragment (right center and upper left). At right center margin, note earlier? rhombic carbonate enclosed by poikilotopic carbonate. Field of view 2.lmm. Crossed Nicols.