In 1859, in On the Origin of Species, Darwin repeatedly pointed to what he viewed as the greatest challenge facing his theory of evolution -- the lack of a rich fossil record predating the rise of shelly invertebrate animals that marks the beginning of the Cambrian Period of geological time (~550 million years ago). In the past few years, two new techniques have been devised to help answer the question of biogenicity, the most vexing of the criteria to satisfy. Founded on firm understanding of the morphology and physiology of extant microorganisms and a large body of data on the maturation of organic matter in geologic settings, for the first time these techniques provide means to correlate directly cellular morphology with organic composition in individual Precambrian microscopic fossils. (1) Ion microprobe spectroscopy has been used to measure the carbon isotopic composition of single microscopic fossils (1,2), analyses that provide evidence of their ancient physiologies. (2) Laser-Raman imagery has been used to determine the chemical-structural composition of such fossils -- both in two and in three dimensions(3-5) -- data that confirm the biological origin of the carbonaceous matter comprising their petrified cell walls and that demonstrate the presence of cell lumina, the cellular spaces that define biological systems. After more than a century of unrewarded search, an immense early fossil record, unknown and assumed unknowable, has been unearthed to reveal a microbe-dominated evolutionary progression that stretches seven times farther into the geologic past than had previously been imagined.